
[PCB Prototype] ECU MP9.0 memory adapter PLCC32 - M27C512 OTP

This adapter is design for a 87C510 DIP28 eprom, but i need the same adapter for a 87PC110 PCC32 eprom !Do you have this adapter or can you make it ?It's the same converter (74HCT573), with same p...

[Others] Do transformers work off of resonance?

Do transformers work off of resonance? I have been told they dont, so why do they work best at one frequency if they DONT use resonance?

[Others] MCU controlled buck converter?

If it's possible to control the power output of a 12V/150W heating element using some sort of buck converter circuit. It should step down the 12V input to various voltages required to vary the out...

[PCB Prototype] what are required for it

please make assemble what are required for it

[PCB Prototype] Como hacer controladores de energía para

Banco de energía con super condensadoresInversor de corriente de 12v y 24v a 110 y 220v con bobina toroidalControlador de energía de vehículo eléctrico Aire acondicionado con celdas de peltier y ...
  • answered Oct 01,2020
    by Remy

[Others] Adding "Continuous current limiting" to a Buck converter with "Short Circuit Protection"

Hi, I have a beefy 12V 60A output buck converter which is advertised as having "Short Circuit Protection", I was wondering if I can use a current limiting circuit to essentially make this su...

[Others] How much power can a flyback transformer core transform?

I have a bunch of dead TV line transformers that I salvaged the ferrite core from. Typically these run around 20 to 40kHz or so.If I remove the air gap and use these cores as traditional high frequenc...
  • answered Sep 29,2020
    by Paul H
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1 PCBWay Team 10
2 Marcell Feher 2
3 Engineer 1
4 Brandon Weatherly 1
5 Rayan Bayan 1