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"House of flying daggers" s core experts read PCB copy board development trend

by: Dec 06,2013 765 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

Printed circuit board (PCB) is the most indispensable key components all electronic products, and is closely related to end products, China as the world's biggest consumer electronics giant, is now the world's main PCB production base. In order to speed up production, PCB copy board become the main means to implement low cost competition at the present stage in China. Pack up the copy board enterprise s core is "house of flying daggers" waiting game, eating foreign emerging industries, led to the accelerating transformation of the electronics industry in our country.

A dishonest way to obtain commercial secrets of the other businesses, is a common ACTS of unfair competition. 17, China's supreme people's court announced "application about the trial of civil cases of unfair competition law" the explanation of some issues, first make clear a regulation, through their own development or reverse engineering methods such as trade secrets, not as the anti-unfair competition law provisions of the commercial secret infringement.

Copy plate technology development up to now, has been accompanied by a copy of the earliest domestic plate team, such as computer, the core and the godson century dragon people authority copy board the leadership and development of the enterprise. Reverse technology research and constantly challenge their long-term focus on difficult projects, quick to judge and solve electronic products reverse DNS and development design problem in all walks of life. It is often called a PCB copy board, PCB copy, reverse design PCB cloning, PCB or PCB reverse design. It is on the premise of existing parts, use reverse technology to reverse parsing of circuit boards, PCB file to the original ones, BOM list and schematic files 1:1 reduction, and then reuse these technical documents complete replication process. It is easy to take it as a fake, but the core of the experts think copy plate is in order to study abroad the latest technology of electronic circuit design, and then absorb the excellent design, and then used to develop more outstanding product design. This also to copy board technology put forward higher requirements in the new period, the following century core experts read the copy board industry for the future development of several trends, to provide a reference for the peer learning.

Trend 1: positive and negative to the research and development, processing and manufacturing

Due to the homogeneity and rampant copy board, imitate blindly copy has not need to conform to the diversification of consumer choice, this time need to put forward design with reverse research and development, the combination of standing on the shoulders of giants to innovate, improve product features. Such as: change PCB boards, PCB/reverse reasoning principle drawing, PCB sample/bulk processing, high-speed PCB design, EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) design, SI simulation, SMT/PCBA SMT processing, OEM/ODM/OEM generation of SMT materials, bulk components form a complete set of procurement, the analysis of the BOM and production, the production of functional prototype and adjustable measuring and complicated devices and module replacement, chip decryption and program parsing, reverse design, chip IC failure analysis, software and hardware secondary development direction, such as research and development and the coordinated development of processing and manufacturing service, help customer to shorten the development cycle, save development cost, reduce the production cost, risk and technical support customer competitiveness and profitability.

Trend 2: engaged in one-stop production services

Due to the diversification of consumer electronics products, more and more short life cycle and product towards quantity is little, high customization, hence copy plate developers are actively engaged in this field, type of niche competition; One-stop service advantages are the following: including medium and small batch PCB manufacturing optimization, can reduce the customer into the human cost, suitable for center of batch sample fast production; Also has its limits, however, including medium and small batch production in existing company, mass with support from the lack of capacity, but must be produced by other companies, cause the line conversion costs; One-stop service handles the customer number, attributes, more diverse and complex, copy board manufacturers on the management of the difficulty, and application is locking a small amount of diversity. Including the dragon one computer, the core and the godson century, have active layout one-stop clapper talk service.

For small businesses, the development trend of the future copy board industry brought them great development opportunities, they can finally use for their single custom one-stop service confrontation with deep pockets, with a big "of the" top 500 large companies in the IT department. In fact, small companies are more likely than large companies to use copy board innovation of new technologies, because there is no lengthy process, in a wide range of small company meeting or in charge of examination and approval committee, pick up new technology can, and will soon be able to win the favor of the market at a lower price. Believe in the core of such a batch of bold in tide enterprises create new copy board, the future will be more domestic brands rise in small and medium enterprises.

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