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PCB design on the analysis of the function of 3 d design benefits and challenges

by: Dec 04,2013 547 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

Design and build the next generation of electronic products is a complex process, particularly in the electronics industry, such a highly competitive global industry rapid and continuous technological change in this industry has become a common thing and innovation rules. , if a designer can not accept these changes by rivals in the risk behind, even completely unable to join the competition. For printed circuit board (PCB) design, the situation is particularly obvious. In the market, consumers are more hope to get smaller, cheaper, faster and more electronic products, and continuously shorten design cycle and geographically dispersed design teams, is to push the complexity of design, and the use of traditional design tools to its limits. An increase in the number of network, more stringent design constraints, and wiring density, and gradually move to the high speed, high density project, further increase the complexity of PCB. These trends are affecting all areas of the industry, not just high-end consumer electronics products.

Fortunately, PCB design tools has been steady development in recent years, in response to the challenge brought by the increasingly complex design field. A major change - 3 d function, is expected to make designers can design innovation and competitiveness in the global market.

The challenge in the world of 3 d design

Traditionally, rely on the prototype, the PCB designers in order to ensure that the shape of the design, adaptation degree before manufacturing and functional. Although feasible, but this method has many shortcomings. First of all, before make the actual prototype designer cannot determine whether the circuit board. Second, this method usually leads to need many times to make prototype in the design process. Again, many prototype is very time consuming, and for a moderately complex prototype of the average cost of $8929. In the design process of any additional time or costs increase, not only affect the competitiveness of a company, also can prevent us from march to new business, it is easy to understand why this method is not popular.

Another defect is PCB design is traditionally a 2 d design. Basically, the design is based on 2 d created, after manual annotation, passed to the mechanical design engineer. Mechanical engineers use mechanical CAD software to design 3 d redrawn. Because completely is manual operation, this method is very time consuming, and error-prone. So, it can't design the next generation of electronic products provide competitive difference. Now the problem is very obvious, circuit designers need to find a better way to view and analyze their increasingly complex designs.

PCB designer's ultimate goal is for the real world (with three dimension) to create products, so the best solution is to use the one which has the function of advanced 3 d design tools. It allows the designers will be able to view the design before production real 3 d graphics, no longer need to make prototype, save time and money (figure 1). Can easily generate accurate 3 d model, and then use them in real 3 d circuit board layout. In addition, still can be imported into the target shell 3 d model in the PCB design, to ensure that the designed circuit board can be placed perfectly into the shell. Finally, the designer can confidently submit their design files for the production.

3 d export function provided to designers in other analysis tools for further analysis ability, such as heat and electromagnetic simulation analysis. For now, each using a wireless connection, compact battery power supply equipment, heat dissipation effect depends entirely on circuit board shape, the function is the key. Due to these features, 3 d function of PCB design tool for rapid, accurate and low cost design is the next generation of electronic products is absolutely indispensable.

I need you: full 3 d function

The value of 3 d function is added to the PCB design is undeniable, so many companies are able to provide this functionality as a booth. However, these design tools provided by the 3 d function is different. Order to play the full benefits of the 3 d, it is not enough to see the real 3 d image, but also extend to full 3 d function, including:

For the design of ability to create 3 d animation/video. Through this function, the designer can easily share, show his product design, you can even use them as marketing with information. It also can promote better cooperation with other design team or manufacturer. For example, through a period of 3 d video, designers can show manufacturer assembling finished products, video can also be used to illustrate components on the circuit board welding sequence.

The 3 d model (including the components) import ability in the design of circuit board. Please note that some design tools lack the feature, only allows designers to perform basic visualization in 2 d form and component clearance inspection. However, if you can import the shell and other mechanical objects, to be sure that the first time the components in the right place.

Ability to support 3 d in the design rule check. Due to real-time guide rules are in the process of design, so it is a very important function. 3 d design rule checker can tell designers, between between the two components, components and shell or between the components and the radiator, in 3 d space (all axis) whether there is interference.

Copper layer of PCB inner structure modeling ability. Although using ECAD package with 3 d functions, there are still in the process of manufacturing problems may occur. Late in the design of this phase is found that the problem, will greatly increase the cost. Copper layer of PCB inner structure modeling ability, make it easy for designers to view and test pin connected with the inner connections, or hot (thermalreliefs).

The benefits of

In 3 d design can bring many benefits for you. It can give the direction of MCAD with ECAD iteration cycle to a cycle of zero (in some cases), so as to shorten the design cycle, and maximum reduce design errors, thus greatly improve production efficiency. Moreover, by eliminating the uncertainty of circuit board layout and casing adapter, can let the designers will peacefully energy on product aesthetics design/

3 d design of other benefits include:

A competitive advantage. Through within an organization, and improve communication between suppliers and customers, 3 d design can speed up the product design, make manufacturing process more reasonable and efficient, and accelerate the product promotion. Decrease the design cost and improve the profit margin, at the same time, time to market and the improvement of the quality of the product in advance means income increase.

Promote the global cooperation. A true 3 d design images can improve the efficiency of communication with suppliers, customers and manufacturers. It even allows a CAD personnel involved in the process (for example, apply to the customer survey, specify or product configuration). Now for many companies tend to external production (or local) in China is particularly important. No matter why design intent or the final product, global design and manufacture of extremely easy to introduce no wrong and misunderstanding. And 3 d design images can provide general, easy to understand, all team members are able to operate the platform.

To review and modify the design of more efficient. The ability to create 3 d rendering and animation design simplifies writing and review the design in the design team members, etc. It also allows designers to easily modify and update the latest design changes. Once that is done, for example, alter or modify, namely can easily generate a new 3 d rendering or animation.

More efficient manufacturing and assembly process. The basis of 3 d model provides a general, manufacturers can use it to work, also can more accurately and clearly communicate design intent and related design details. Can only be found after production before error can be in the design process can be found as early as possible. Therefore, 3 d model is used to manufacture and assemble the product to be accurate and efficient.

To promote sales, promote marketing. Product 3 d model can be a valuable marketing tool, it can produce the products for customers to see the product before, so the sales department can quickly make a market assessment, so as to help us bring additional revenue.


Over the years, real-time 3 d graphics technology has thoroughly changed the society interact with the computer.

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