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PCB printed circuit board factory at the end of the off-season camp seized a success

by: Dec 03,2013 602 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

Sony (Sony) PS4, Microsoft XboxOne on sale come out in succession, xin xing (3037), said han yu bo, south electricity from printed circuit board factory, to the end of season sales have injections, some orders even see next February.

Xin xing, said han yu bo, south electric operating relatively weak this year, said han yu bo, south electricity more deeply personal computer (PC) industry, the first three quarters in losses, for the fourth quarter traditional off-season, the three PCB maker think game orders relatively warm.

Xin xing and south electricity are SONY components suppliers, xin xing that fourth quarter traditional PCB (HDI) plate connected, high density and flexible printed circuit board (FPC) capacity utilization are lower than the third quarter, integrated circuits (IC) substrate have remained low.

Xin xing this year apple with its important customers from impact, also don't believe in traditional slack for the fourth quarter, but emphasize from the console orders, since the third quarter, the fermentation is still a relatively good product this season.

Xin xing stressed that the customer will adjust the strategy change next year, this year the fastest season 2 have the opportunity to produce benefit.

SONY, Microsoft this winter season two camps new consoles are already a long time, the value at the end of consumer electronics season, PS4 and XboxOne, was launched in succession on November 15, 22, also came.

Said han yu bo think XboxOne supply chain, the main products are laptop (NB) is still a certain level, game consoles, last shipment, good support off-season revenue for the fourth season.

South main electrical products is also associated with the personal computer (PC), Intel is flip chip (FlipChip) loading board important clients, before the end of the PC is no obvious strength, but the recent significant from consumer electronics such as order.

PCB industry, said SONY, Microsoft and other game companies listed at the end of the year, only five or six months in the future all order of six million units, for PCB market, is not the main, but the season is still be of some help.

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