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Prototype of the PCBs

by: Nov 20,2013 518 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical


Normal design cycles, particularly of large digital boards, dictate layout of the PCB as soon as possible. The digital circuitry has been simulated, but in most cases, the produc-tion PCB itself is the prototype, and may even be sold to a customer. Digital designers can correct small mistakes by implementing cuts and jumpers, reprogramming gate arrays or flash memories, and go on to the next project. This is not the case with analog circuitry. Some of the common design mistakes discussed in this chapter cannot be corrected by the cut and jumper method. They can and will render the entire PCB unusable. It is very important for the digital designer, who is used to cuts and jumpers, to read and understand this chapter prior to releasing a board to a layout service.

A little care, taken up front, can save a board worth thousands of dollars from becoming scrap because of blunders in a tiny section of analog circuitry. This author has been the unfortunate recipient of a simple analog circuit designed by another engineer, who was accustomed to the cut and jumper method of correcting his mistakes. This resulted in a design that was full of mistakes. Not only was the op amp hooked up with inverting and non-inverting inputs reversed, but an RC time constant had to be added to prevent a race condition. Repercussions from these mistakes, and associated rework problems, caused literally hundreds of hours to be lost from a tight production schedule. Prototyping this circuit would have taken less than a day. PROTOTYPE ALL ANALOG CIRCUITRY!

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