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The IPC down for PCB sales growth forecast for 2013

by: Dec 05,2013 627 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

IPC - international association for the electronics industry join ® to released the June North America area, PCB (PCB) survey report, the research results show that the market demand for order some delay. On this basis, the IPC lowered its 2013 PCB sales forecasts.

Statistics have had mixed results in June

PCB industry shipments in June, North America, 3.4% year-on-year drop in orders fell 6.1% year on year. Year-to-date, shipments fell by 4.7% in the PCB industry, orders fell by 1.3%. Compared with last month, the June shipments of PCB, rose by 12%, but orders fell by 3.6% month-on-month. This is seven months, shipments for the first time orders, led directly to the PCB order shipment than fell to 1.05 in June, but still keep the positive run interval.

The sales of flexible circuit board, is still the continuation of growth in June, but order growth rate lower than the same period last year level. Rigid PCB sales and orders, below the same period last year, but in recent months to gradually narrow the gap with last year.

"Since January, PCB monthly orders higher than that of shipments record have been keep for 6 months, the book-to-bill ratio in the past six months has been running in positive territory." Sharon IPC market research director ms Starr said: "a high probability of PCB sales better this year, but no leading index showed that fast. Given the market's response to orders growth was slow, and the industry around the world slowed growth, IPC to trim their 2013 north American PCB industry sales growth expectations, 2013 PCB sales growth will not exceed 1%, hope in the second half of the sales will be increased."



Book-to-bill ratio is with all the IPC sample survey company for the past three months of sales orders in addition to the same period calculated value. Ratio greater than 1.00, indicating the current demand greater than supply, the signal in the next three to six months, the sales will be to the growth trend of development

The growth rate of year-on-year growth rates and year-to-date, have guiding significance to explore the development trend of industry. Sequential data because of the cyclical and short-term sex change factors, need careful treatment. Compared with the data delivery, order data change is bigger, and months between book-to-bill ratio change, it is not that important, unless there is a clear change trend of more than 3 consecutive months. To explore the change of the order and shipment reason and understanding book-to-bill ratio changes are equally important.

IPC PCB industry statistics, a month comes from the area is typical in the United States and Canada just/flexible PCB manufacturer of sample companies to provide regular data. The IPC will be released monthly PCB book-to-bill ratio and PCB statistics project report. Monthly statistics report published in next month's last week.

The report details

The IPC of 2013 north American sales forecast of PCB industry, will be released this week in the north American PCB research statistics report in detail. About the monthly report of rigid PCB and flexible PCB sales and orders, rigid/flexible plate book-to-bill ratio, military industry and medical industry growth condition, the overall market size and demand forecast and other detailed information, please inquire the PCB IPC North America market report. The report to participate in the company, subscribed users of research, provided free of charge.

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