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The status of the PCB copy board: the or blindly follow suit?

by: Dec 06,2013 668 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

Science and technology change life! With smartphones, PCB copy board mass entering the market, more and more scholars began to focus on the research in this field. But in terms of current situation, and made in China is not widely used in electronic field. Instead, start from learning foreign advanced technology of PCB copy board, create dazzling today of the new technology, and constantly expand consumer channels. Smart phones, intelligent tablet and smart TV is popular around the country, should copy board industry to blow a new wind of change?

As the core of copy board are all the rage in the market, there are many in the industry to copy board technology and the development and application of reverse engineering technology skeptical attitude or neutral opinion. PCB copy board just copy cloning, blindly follow suit, does not have its own ideas? And see below the core expert explanation for everybody in the new period of PCB copy board secret weapon.

PCB copy board of blindly following the catch

As Google Android open source operating system on a large scale to enter the market, the smartphone has become like a PC, by the "hardware" and "operating system" in two parts. In the brush into the various ROM Android smartphones, like Windows system installed on the PC is simple, it also caused the PCB copy board threshold dropped sharply. However, convenience, smartphones now serious both in appearance and configuration convergence, big price war. At the same time also caused the real ones, the proliferation of shanzhai.

If copy board technology imitation copy alone, they will be very easy to fall into consumptive trap, unable to "go out". Copy boards, replication, cloning, for example, before the Chinese input in this field because there is no too much manpower and material resources, so for now, China is still not out of the foreign population of "made in China". Though there is the core of a group of pioneer enterprises to join, but most still remain in blindly following stage, did not form their own independent features. "Made in China" to "created in China", then it is first to reform copy board, at the same time in the copy to the best of advanced foreign technology, innovation development, strengthen the research and development efforts.

The status of the PCB copy board type secondary development

When the past, people buy mobile phones, CARES about is nothing more than the details of the brand, size, weight, such as signal is good. But with the popularity of smart phones, people began to care about the mobile phone processor cores, screen size, quantity, memory size, etc. The new content. This is all about consumption details to the attention of differentiation, copy board technology reform can from these micro innovation, leading consumer fashion elements, and according to the different status of the customer required for secondary development.

Such as the elderly demand is relatively simple, they pay more attention to the price to bear ability and meet the necessary functions. In order to control the product cost, copy board can follow simple principle, through change PCB board only keep necessary function of products, and simplify the operating procedure and appearance of the product as much as possible, make innovative products low-end customers affordable products. And young gens, more is to focus on new interface, beautiful appearance and more features, copy board technology will pay more attention to hardware and software secondary development meet the high-end customers.

A dishonest way to obtain commercial secrets of the other businesses, is a common ACTS of unfair competition. 17, China's supreme people's court announced "application about the trial of civil cases of unfair competition law" the explanation of some issues, first make clear a regulation, through their own development or reverse engineering methods such as trade secrets, not as the anti-unfair competition law provisions of the commercial secret infringement.

After copy board of technological change, guided by the core product application class expand channels, began to enter medical and health care, communications, industrial, radio and television, automotive electronics and other industries, in addition to equipment, instruments and meters, terminal, and the application of electronic service, the chip decryption, prototype production, PCB board design and processing system has been more widely used.

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