parcel univ PCB from PCBaway has arrived yeahh so i decided create ten Project from that PCB. 1. FlasingLED attiny13 2. LoveLED atmega8 3. DigiClockLED atmega16 with Modul Dotmatrix 4. MiniClock7SEG atmega8 with four digit seven segmen 5. RunningTXT atmega16 with Modul Dotmatrix 6. VUGraphLED LB1403 7. BoardSIGNLED welcome open close 8 TrainerBoard-7S-8L Arduino Variant ATMEGA32 9 Modul 74595 2wire to 8 wire out 10 Modul 4017 ULN2003 2 wire to 8 running LED
Step 1: Prepare the ingredients
1 PCBway 3cmX8cm
3 Chip Attinty13 + socket DIL8
4 Header 6P
5 LED 3pcs
6 Dioda 220 ohm 3 pcs
Step 2: How to Build
1. put all part to PCB, start heat them..
2. align the wires to connects each other. again heat them all..
3. Check and re check the connection, i have foul mistake, seem chip_vcc connected but cutoff no voltage.. (test by avometer)
4. test it.
Step 3: the scheme
not upladed yet.. simply try googling yourself by type keyword attiny13
Step 4: create your minisys burner by yourself
Step 5: next project.. how to communicate minisys with PC using serial TTLport (USB)
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