BLE Buttons & iPad Charger
This is 3 tactile switches that work with an Apple iPad in accessibility mode. The switches interact using Bluetooth Low Energy. The Nordic nRF52 BLE radio is powered with a 12V, 2.5A wall adapter, regulated to 3.3V, and also has a Auxiliary RCR123A back up battery in case of power loss. The circuit has a onboard regulator and charge IC and USB A output to connect an Apple Lightning Connector for charging an iPad. PCB way has always been on the job, quick to respond, excellent coustomer service all hours of the day, I can't believe it!! The boards are always high quality and their engineering team always has an eye for quality and not afraid to send an email if there are any questions. Always a success with PCB Way. The assembly on 50 units was flawless. All units have been tested and are performing to specification. Excellent!!
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