
My five 'prototype' boatds arrived within eleven days of placing the order (China-to-UK using PCBway Express) which had been assessed quickly by the engineers upon receiving my Gerber & Drill files. Very well packed and very sturdy boards. It was informative to see the listed processing stages being updated on my order page as each was completed (all within one day, as claimed). I have used PCB-way before and am equally impressed with the results this time. I went down to 0.2 mm clearances and everything was as neat-and-crisp as I expected from past experience. Holes all well-centred, a thick layer of protective varnish and clear legending too (right down to minimum size). Even though 'only' a prototype PCB, its heartening to see PCB-way take its product seriously and do a thoroughly professional job, all at an exceptionally attractive price-point! If you haven't given 'em a go yet, I'd recommend that you do. You won't be disappointed. (PS although this may all sound like sales hype, I AM, in fact, a genuine and pleased customer giving credit where it's due!)

Apr 28,2022
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