GP Microcontroller/Programmer with Adapter

This is a general-purpose microcontroller board to be used as a module in further projects. It is hoped to be a 'right-first-time' prototype. As for the PCBway-produced Printed Circuit Board itself: it is ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! The tracks are crisp (the narrowest of which is 0.3mm) and there are NO shorts, even when squeezing between IC pads (minimum clearances being 0.254mm/10mil throughout). The drill holes are dead-centre of the pads, even with the 0.8/0.4mm vias (Excellon drill files). The silk-screening is clearly legible, even down to the lower limit of 0.5mm text-width (though, unless you're a sharp-eyed youngster, you'll probably need a magnifier to read such small print! At this level, a few minor 'dropouts' in the inking were evident here-and-there, but nothing of any real importance). The product ID code (which I thought would be writ large) is actually minute and strategically placed by a thoughtful production engineer so as not to intefere with any of my own text. The standard 1.6mm boards are sturdy, relatively light and were well-packed for delivery (though a bit of extra sealing tape on the box for security wouldn't go amiss: It was much to easy to open just by 'unfolding' the carboard. Or maybe customs had fiddled with it?). Using PCBwayExpress as the courier, the whole thing took just 11 days, Gerber-file-submission-to-arrival. Great. I am very pleased with the overall high quality and low pricing (the 5USD deal) of this product. Also, a special thanks to Cathy for politely and helpfully responding to a couple of silly oversights I made while attempting to get my board into production. One being not inter-connecting the three sub-circuit layouts properly, and having them register as three different designs (ie panelisation)! Another, attempting to select a courier BEFORE defining a delivery address (you can't!).

Sep 02,2021
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