General purpose use
The hardware is really nice - esp32s3 with display and micro sd reader in a tiny package. This one came with the qwiic socket, which is nice for attaching i2c devices. Apparently the newer versions no longer come with the qwiic. The main problem is the "support" from Lilygo. The "User Guide" (if you can find it) is a joke that just basically points to the github repo. The repo has only a few example programs, and none of them compiled out of the box. You have to read all the repo "issues" to figure out that you need to downgrade the arduino esp32 board package to 2.0.13, and upgrade the TFT_eSPI library to the latest git branch, and tweak the config file. Don't follow other suggestions by Lilygo, as they are mostly out of date.
Nov 05,2024
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