Joystick Build Top PCB

I'm building a 3d-printed joystick for the game Elite Dangerous. I'd originally planned to wire-wrap or make my own PCB's. I did in fact make a few revisions of pcb's using tiny drill bits, blank bare board, ferric chloride and the toner-transfer method to get the design onto the copper. If you're reading this, do yourself a favour - DO NOT DO THIS. Instead, use PCB Way. It's way faster, cheaper and easier, and most importantly makes a much more professional result. The board's I ordered here is an LED, switch and HAT switch board for the top of my joystick, with backlighting and switches etc. The one's I tried to make had signal failures, didn't fit nicely cos drilling .5mm holes by hand is hard and just looked ugly. The ones from PCBWay are AMZAZING. Looks so much more professional, soldering on them is a dream, I even did some SMD reflowing and they work absolutely perfectly.

Aug 27,2022
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