Max7219 Dot Matrix Module control controller

The module is designed to control a matrix LED display based on the Max7219 / Max7221 driver. The module includes an Arduino Pro Mini controller, ZS-042 clock with DS3231 RTC, and a GY-68 atmospheric pressure sensor (BMP180). It provides connection points for a 12-volt power supply, DS18B20 temperature sensor, control buttons, and an encoder. A separate built-in 5V power source is utilized to power the LED matrix display. The Arduino is programmable through a standard 6-pin ICP connector, and the module also offers access to the serial interface for onboard programming. The module's dimensions and mounting holes allow for direct installation on the LED display. This design is intended for microcontroller enthusiasts and enables the development of not only simple clocks but also scrolling text displays and various other versatile applications.

Jul 21,2023
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