Rocketry Double Screw Switches

The PCBs are for arming model rocketry electronics, and have a pair of PEM nuts installed in the rear side of the board, and screws in the PEM nuts will then make contact with the pad on the front, making continuity through the pads and acting as a pair of SPST switchs. This design is reasonably resistant to shock and G-loading, so it's effective for rockets. These PCBs were manufactured amazingly, the screen printing is clean and looks great, and the only complaint I would have is that there is very slight variation in the size of the NPTH holes in the center of the PCB. I was able to overcome this with a reamer, so it was not a large issue, and I was able to learn the tolerances of PCBWay's manufacturing. Future orders for similar items will be better designed by me to account for this tolerance.

Oct 19,2024
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