LimeNET Micro 2.0 DE (Developer Edition) combines the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 (CM4) and LimeSDR XTRX to achieve their respective computing and RF functionalities, making it a modular wireless radio platform. Based on the new LimePSB RPCM, LimeNET Micro 2.0 DE is a flat system (also known as the "main" board). In comparison to its previous versions, which were limited by their support for a less powerful compute module (CM3) and an integrated SISO radio, the new version boasts greater versatility.
The LimeNET Micro 2.0 DE kit is comprised of LimePSB RPCM, Raspberry Pi CM4 and LimeSDR XTRX, which together form a complete baseband plus RF solution and is an ideal tool for a wide range of wireless applications.
LimePSB RPCM provides access to all of the connectivity and functionality of the CM4 and LimeSDR XTRX boards at its heart. That includes:
By integrating Qorvo driver amplifiers, the 2x2 MIMO front-end module (FEM) can provide higher output power, enabling more extensive coverage while maintaining the original LimeNET Micro's frequency flexibility. Additionally, it features integrated low-noise amplifiers (LNA) and SPDT switches, offering both FDD and TDD operation modes.
This project is going to crowdfund on CrowdSupply, check LimeNET Micro 2.0 Developer Edition for more info and welcome to support it if you are interested.