Product Description

51 MCU development board

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  • I hope this 51 MCU development board will be on sale again soon.

  • What software does it use?

    PCBWay Support Team 2023-02-03 16:41:39Reply

    Thank you for your inquiry regarding the product. This product does indeed support Keil. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.

    Engineer 2023-02-03 18:18:10Reply

    Thank you, Keil will be used to generate the hex file: please what software is used to born the hex file into the microcontroller.

    PCBWay Support Team 2023-02-07 10:51:12Reply

    Hi, please see upon.

    To PCBWay Support: is it possible to give me a link to the schematic diagram of this unit? I tried finding it on the website, but could not even find the product listing... It would be greatly appreciated :)

  • Compilation Software: 1. Open Keil software and create a new project by clicking on [Project] - [New uVision Project]. 2. It's recommended to first create a folder to store the project and input the project name before clicking [Save]. 3. A selection box for the microcontroller model will appear, in this case, STC89C52 is used. If STC is not available, select Atmel as they both have a 51 core and the programs are compatible. Select either AT89C51/AT89C52 and click [OK]. 4. A dialog box will appear, select [No]. 5. A new C program can now be created by clicking [File] - [New] and saving the file on the top left corner. Remember to use the .c file extension. 6. Next, click [Target 1], right-click [Source Group 1], and select [Add Files to Group's Source], then choose the C file and click [Add], then [Close]. 7. The C file has now been added to the Source Group and programming can begin. But to burn the program into the microcontroller, a HEX file must be created. Click on the first button on the right side of the [Target 1] box, select [Output] and check [Create HEX File]."

  • STEP3

  • STEP7


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