What is this?
This is a simple circuit to show how to turn on a LED and use it as flashlight , so we can learn to solder and how it works.
It could be used as a keychain.
Check the backside and see how the limit resistor is calculated, it's important to not blown your LED.
Check the video : https://youtu.be/iuCSoq1PrS0
Why I made it?
I wanted to make a kit for everyone,easy to assembly and ready to make you shine, it had to be educational and match the S.T.E.A.M ideology.
How was made?
Before to get this "flashlight" shape i did like 3 prototypes until i saw a "touch tag", it is a little "LoRaWAN" device i was using to test other Iot projects, it has the right size and is confortable. I took the dimension as a reference then i added the flashlight details and shapes.
You will learn to
· Calculate the LED limit resistor
· Read a circuit and identify basic simbols( switch,LED, resistor, power supply,battery)
· How current flow
· How to polarized a LED ( Anode & Cathode)
· Soldering
Tools & software
· Artwork : Inkscape
· Sch&PCB design : Autodesk Eagle free version
· Others : Gerbv ( gerber viewer)
· General purpose PCB / tablilla de proposito general
· A mechanical saw to cut the board / segueta y esmeril
· A soldering iron / cauntín
You can see what I'm doing on :https://twitter.com/iobrizio
Some projects at : https://www.hackster.io/IObrizio
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