I would like to know if it is necessary to send the gerber of a pcb to be copied or cloned? Could you simply make it with a jpg of the pcb to be cloned? Thank you.
Ya he montado 3 Placas sin que funcione ninguna de ellas, el dispositivo solo envia los datos a Ubidot cuando este se resetea, luego deja de hacerlo para apagarse totalmente minutos mas tarde, voy aca...
Здравствуйте, у меня есть образец не сложной платы 26мм на 43мм , вопрос такой: могу ли я вместо чертежей выслать вам образец платы, один с припаянными деталями, а другой без деталей, чтобы вы по моим...
How much to have 2 sided boards cut to the same shape as Arduino UNO and Mega, as I want to make some projects as shields.I saw it done by Ralph Bacon on youtube on your sponsored video.https://www.yo...
In this page there are 2 PCb One is a battery pcb and the other is the bms pcb I believe I ordered the battery pcb but want to order the bms pcb too Can you send me a link to that pcb&n...