
[PCB Assembly] Buy parts from other supplier

Can PCBWAY supports purchase parts from designated supplier from EU or America market, like BC805M.If yes, how much about charges?Thanks

[PCB Assembly] Holyiot YJ-17095 board as a part of PCBWay board order.

Dear PCBWay,Will you be able to purchase and assemble a less standard components as a part of larger PCB that I will order at PCBWay (board + components + assembly) ? I need to have Holyiot YJ-17095 m...

[PCB Assembly] Pin2DMD Evo 256x64 Board ?

Looking to price and order a “turnkey service” Pin2DMD HD Evo board.Not sure if I am doing it correctly? BOM file attached.Thank you.Matt

[PCB Assembly] Question about PCB assembly...

I'm trying to order the PCB here populated, but I get this question pop-up and I'm unsure what the 4 answers should be put here.Can you help me out?

[PCB Assembly] Pcb Accemble

Will I receive the PCB fully assembled?

[PCB Assembly] Mouse PCB question

can i send you photo of my pcb from lemokey g1 a3 mouse and you will price it and make it?

[PCB Assembly] PCB & Assembly Question

Hi,If I order the PCB + assembly, is there a way you can just send me the parts and then I solder the components on the PCB myself? Its quite expensive to buy the parts individually.

[PCB Assembly] XY Plotter Drawing Robot Board setup

Can you please share your contact where I can connect with you, I am planning to buy the "XY Plotter Drawing Robot Board". but I don't have any experience of how to work around arduino alot, I just ha...

[PCB Assembly] Making harness

Hello,I have a question about some harness.Is there any way to buy or make some harness by PCB Way?Such as JST PH 2/4/8 pins 20 cm long both end having connector, or HY connectors.Our company is makin...

[PCB Assembly] What is the difference between PCB and PCB+Assembly for the Microdexed (Capacitive) Touch

I'm interested in building this project, but I am unsure what the difference is between PCB and PCB+Assembly - can someone clarify please? https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/MicroDexed_Capaci...
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List of Questions
Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 15
2 Malcolm Low 4
3 Engineer 2
4 Engineer 1
5 Engineer 1
7 Arno Sommer 1