
[PCB Prototype] Part supply & What do I do next

This is my first time making a PCB -- I have the Gerber files ready to go (I used KiCad) software. This is a prototype board. What are the steps I need to take to make 10 boards to get started. I want...

[PCB Prototype] Gold fingers issue

i opted for "gold fingers" on my last order, but i'm not sure if anything special was done. i wasn't asked where the fingers were supposed to be placed either.

[PCB Prototype] Question For Order

IF We Order From Pakistan, How Can We Get, 400 Watts Stereo Audio Amplifier Board DIY 2SC5200+2SA1943 PCB ?? And How Much For One PCB

[PCB Prototype] Via in single-layer board, is it copper plated?

I haven't order any single-layer board before, so anyone who has done before? Thank you.

[PCB Prototype] Why do not my shared designs appear on my profile

Why do not my shared designs appear on my profile, and I no longer get 10% of the pcb sold?https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/W50475ASN19_Escorna_CPU_2_12_Gerber.html

[PCB Prototype] Assembly on a single piece board

Hello, I'm looking to have a board made and assembled by PCBway and I have a question about how you handle irregular shaped boards with your assembly process.Will there be tabs or vscores ar...

[PCB Prototype] Pcb for tda 7386 amplfier

Dear sir/madamGood morning i need pcb for tda Ic amplfier and stk amplifier.Thank Best Regards,NaseerWhats up number +97466806657

[PCB Prototype] Does PCBWay provide conformal coating as an option to assembly service

Does PCBWay provide conformal coating as an option to assembly service?Thanks,Brendan.
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Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 10
2 Marcell Feher 2
3 Engineer 1
4 Brandon Weatherly 1
5 Rayan Bayan 1