Can I connect 0.5W speaker with 3W amplifier directly?

Andrew asked Nov 20,2020

I am going to make an arduino project which uses a 0.5W speaker, attached to PAM8403(3W amplifier). Can I directly connect them or should I use a resistor?

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    As long as you dont exceed the the speaker power rating you should be able to drive it. The amplifier should have a gain pin so you can control it.

    Andrew 2020-11-23 09:32:35Reply

    Thank you. Don't know if it's appropriate. I'm planning to run the amp from 5V. Suggested voltage is 5.5 V but if it's not a big deal I can make a voltage divider and run it from 3V.

    Sayanik Mandal 2020-11-23 23:12:44Reply

    Please don't do that . Your ic can be heat.And your circuit will be burned due to the voltage and ampere.

    Miguel Reis 2020-11-27 18:32:14Reply

    Its not a good idea to run power hungry devices with voltage dividers. Only use voltage dividers for signals

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    No don't use a resistor otherwise your spund and base will be down.And also when you touch the resistor after power up the circuit then you hear a sond of humming. So my suggestion to you don't connect any resiator direct connect that. And don't stop to make ausome project. My support is always with you. Please support me.

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    As long as you dont exceed the the speaker power rating you should be able to drive it. The amplifier should have a gain pin so you can control it.

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    In short yes. And commonly, it is reccommended to have and amplifier capable of delivering more power than what the speakers are specified. I dont know this amplifier IC, but often you can adjust the gain of the amplifier. And when adjusted to the correct value, you can make sure that you don't "blow out" your speaker, even at full volume. There is a more detailed long answer, especially if you are consitering connecting multiple speakers to the same amplifier. For that I will guide you to this answer, which sums it up nicely.

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