Need to see PCBWay parts library

Engineer asked Dec 27,2019


I am interested to order soon one sample order and one bigger order for PCB manufacture + SMT assmbly.

I need to check your SMT parts library to see, if you have on stock parts required.

Actually I need to assemble one MCU (like atmega328), several passives, crystal and pushbutton (like very small Arduino board).

But I need to put one extra connector - like this A1251WR-4P and one toggel switch - like this MSS22D18G2.

Please let me know, if this is possible.

Regards, Vladimir.

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    Well, I think PCBWay can offer you every electronic part you need, its just the BOM file you have to upload. They can assemble about every component. :D

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    Hello sir, we don't have an SMT parts library for now. You can order our assembly service, just upload your Gerber file as well as the BOM file. Our staff will get the parts as soon as possible and at a preferential price.

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