
Some time ago I was tried to find out a hobby without computer. Unfortunately no luck and progress in this area :-) In a meantime started to look into the educational micro-controllers like Arduino and micro-processors like Raspberry Pi. I was very surprised how easy it is to assemble and control robot via application code. Having full control of GPIO and I2C protocol allows to design and implement an incredible things. In addition, most of sensors with a high variety are available on AliExpress shop for a reasonable price (e.g. Triple Axis Compass Magnetometer Sensor Module only for 2 EUR). Initially tried to do Printed Circuit Board by myself, but with a time found that it's not so simple thing to do multi-layer PCB and relied to professionals from PCBWay.com team and was implessed by price (10 EUR for 100x75mm board) and excellent quality. The most impressive article which inspired me to this hobby was published on Udacity: "AI for Robotics: Programming a Robotic Car". Home page: http://makimenko.github.io/akibot

Step 1: 2015.02.15: First look

Step 2: 2015.03.16: Assembling, sand-boxing, proof of concept

Step 3: 2015.06.02: Self-made first PCB

Step 4: 2015.06.25: Meet AkiBot v0.1

Step 5: 2015.09.08: Monitoring and Control of AkiBot via software (Java, HTML5, WebGL, Three.js and etc)


Step 7: 2016.04.25: Body of AkiBot v0.2 (AkiVacu)

Step 9: 2016.07.02: Self-made PCB

Initially tried to do Printed Circuit Board by myself (see below), but with a time found .that it's not so simple thing to do multi-layer PCB... I would say - failed to do it by myself and as result almost dropped idea of AkiBot v0.2

PCB Designed in Zenit, see source files in https://github.com/makimenko/akibot/tree/doc/Printed%20Circuit%20Board

Step 10: 2016.11.12: Received PCB made by PCBWay team

Initially tried to do Printed Circuit Board by myself (see above), but with a time found that it's not so simple thing to do multi-layer PCB and relied to professionals from PCBWay.com team and was implessed by price (10 EUR for 100x75mm board) and excellent quality. 

It seems that PCBWay.com opens a new horizonts not only for corporate clients, but also for small hobbiests ans enthusiasts like me.

Very happy with the result and price :-)

Nov 12,2016
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