small complete microcontroller device based on AtMega 644P
Step 1: Why it is needed
complete microcontroller devices, such as Arduino Pro mini, is very usefull, because off small size, but all related components on aboard, except microcontroller itself: quartz resonator, capasitors, resistors, LEDs and pads for connecting to other devices.
Of course, Arduino Pro mini, based on AtMega 328, is very powerfull, but sometimes we need to get comparable dimensions larger disposable resources. We can use for that reason microcontroller by Atmel - Atmega 644P, that have more Flash Program memory (64Kb vs 32Kb on Atmega328), more SRAM (4Kb vs 2Kb), more EEPROM (2Kb vs 1Kb), 24 digital I/O ports and so on.
And all of this in chip of compatible size - TQFP-44, very suitable for our purposes.
In result, PCB size is small enough, 26 x 51 mm, but have, exept standart pins, socket for UART connection in one side, and socket for I2C-bus in other side.
It can be used as stand alone, if you want only to blink one LED, that situated on aboard, or can be used as a brain of any other electronical equipment.
And, of course, the same PCB can be used for all series of this microcontrollers: ATmega164P, ATmega324P, ATMega644P and ATmega1284P - all of them have version in TQFP-44.
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