Atmega 328p Controller Board

Hello there from KEMETCH Embedded Solutions. This project is the first that we manufacture in PCB Way Factory and frankly the manufacturing quality is amazing and very accurate. This project is a controller based on the atmega 328p microcontroller and is programmed by the Arduino IDE, which can be used in a number of countless projects like Automatic irrigation systems , smart garden controlling , industrial chiller controller and all the projects that fit the controller abilities. we designed the board to have 5 output relays , 5 digital inputs includes 3PWM pins , 5 pushbuttons , 3 analog inputs , I2C lcd , 4 power{ +5v , GND} terminal blocks. in the pictures we are using it as an auto-irrigation system that controls a solonoid valve depending on the soil moisture integrated with a weekly timer device to controll the irrigation time all over the week with different schedules. also we used LDR sensor to control the lights of the garden. we are looking forward to share our designs and projects on your website sooner. Thanks to pcbway for your great help making our designs more accurate and well manufactured.:)

Nov 18,2021
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