ESP8622 Sensor

Making sensor for my pond to monitor temperature over the internet. For this project I made a placeholder for the esp-01, a transformer from 220 to 5 volts and some sockets for external wiring of 220v and one wire sensors. Put in the design on the 24 th of januari. Next day updated because I made an error. This was all posible and directly supported by great Chat and quick respons even it was in the middle of the night over there. Great way to follow the production process and in two weeks I got the board from china to NL. Great experience for my first order. Will advising this to others and use it in the future. Also the packaging from china was great so all received in perfect condition. Looking forward to build on this board. Added a 3D of the final board in Fusion 360 with the help of Eagle. Great tools to develop your project.

Feb 12,2019
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