Formula CEM team

The Formula CEM vehicles 2019

Formula CEM team

About the team

We are a Formula SAE team from Brazil, we represent the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Joinville-SC. We Annually design two cars, an Electric Vehicle (EV) and an Internal Combustion vehicle (IC), to participate in the national competition. In the last year (2019) we had good results, for the IC car we achieved the 12th place, in a total of 44 cars, and we won the 1st place in Energy Efficiency in the Enduro race. For the EV car we ended the competition in the 11th place, in a total of 22 cars.

The Formula CEM was founded in 2012, we are a young team, but we already have great results. For the 2020 competition we have high expectations, maintaining the tendency in achieving better results each year.


Contribute for the development of the industry, promoting innovative solutions incorporated in projects of  Formula SAE vehicles, promoting the development of skills in future professionals engineering. 


Be a reference in vehicle projects in the formula SAE competition, aimed at continuous improvement and innovation, with socio-environmental commitment.


Creativity and Innovation;


Orientation for results;

Systemic View;

Commitment with the Environment;


Auto Efficiency.

Our cars

Our Circuit Boards

Throughout the year, our electrical team designs our PCBs using the Altium and Proteus software in order to bring them confidence, security and simplicity.

Brake System Plausibility Device (BSPD)

Analog circuit responsible for safety monitoring between the accelerator and brake pedals, controlling the shutdown circuit of the vehicle, being able to turn it off when necessary. For the car EV.

Engine Control Module (ECM)

Digital and analog circuit responsible for reading signals of the brake and accelerator pedals, sending the information, via CAN, to the inverter and thus controlling the acceleration and speed of the vehicle. For the car EV.


It is the component responsible for making the connections between emergency buttons and monitoring circuits while charging the batteries. For the car EV.


Precharge is a circuit responsible for charging the inversor capacitors prior to the air coupling, this exists to prevent damage to the circuit due to the high inrush current that the capacitors induce. The precharge consists of a resistor to limit the current and a relay, both attached to a timing circuit that counts the time necessary for charging the capacitors to 90% of the battery voltage rating. For the car EV.


This PCB receives analogue and digital data of different types of sensors, and does the treatment of the data. For the car IC

The data received are: 4-wheel speed, tire temperature, longitudinal and lateral acceleration, gyro data on the Z axis, and steering wheel turning data.


This PCB has the function of receiving energy from the battery, and transforming the voltage from 12V to 8V, for the operation of the datalogger arduinos. For the car IC.

For more about Formula CEM, you can visit our social media @formulacem

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