Maritan Rover Prototype: CRISS ROBOTICS

CRISS Robotics, is a 50+ member student-run technical research organization based in BITS Pilani, Pilani campus India founded in January 2021. The aim is to build an all-terrain autonomous Mars Rover complete with a robotic arm and life detection module. We won the Best Business Plan Award (Space Entrepreneur Award), 2nd position in Project Implementation and Management (PIMA) and bagged the 10th Rank overall at the Finals of the International Rover Challenge (IRC), 2024, held at Coimbatore. Over 22 International and National teams with 1200+ participants competed for the coveted prize for over 4 days. Along with this, we topped the table in IRDC (International Rover Design Challenge) 2023 with a huge margin. CRISS also secured 5th rank worldwide and an impressive 2nd position in Asia in the prestigious European Rover Challenge where we were also honored with the esteemed "Best in Maintenance Task" award.

IRC 2024

The current iteration of our rover Eklavya, consists of the team's entry in this year's IRC, URC and Robofest (a Government Undertaking). The whole system is dependent on PCBs extensively to reduce wiring, increase ease of assembly and introduce modular integration: The whole system is composed of 3 major PCBs:

  • Power System which provides for three voltage lines - 5V, 9V, and 12V. Buck converters are used to achieve the step down voltages with an arrangement of relays and current sensors controlled by an ESP 32 to ensure safe levels of current flow. The current sensors used are based on the Hall effect for precise measurements. The batteries are further connected through XT60 connectors for heightened current tolerance.

  • Drive System which is controlled using Raspberry PI employing four DC motors which are powered by MDD10A motor drivers. The feedback system uses Hall-based encoders interfaced with

  • Arm System also controlled by a Raspberry Pi comprises of two linear actuators with, a stepper motor for the movement of the base and Geared DC motors for the gripper and the wrist. The MDD10A and MD10C motor drivers control the linear actuators and the DC motors. Apart from this, ADS1085 logic level converters have been used along with ADS1115 Analog to Digital converters which help in processing the feedback signals.

  • Payload Mechanism & Maintenance Module which meets the electrical needs of the Science subsystem. DC motors control the lowering of module, servo motors handle sample collection, and an internal science lab incorporates stepper motors and peristaltic pumps. Additional safety features include flame sensors, temperature monitoring, battery state of charge monitor, and multiple 120mm and 80mm 12V 3-watt PWM fans.

The team would greatly benefit from the support of PCBWay. Being a student run team, we rely on sponsorships to realize our vision and fund our passion. We believe it will be a symbiotic relation benefiting both. We participate in competitions held at a global scale and we make it a point to ensure that our sponsors get visibility and positioning at strategic spots. The team also makes sure to display our sponsors across the multitude of events we host at APOGEE, our technical fest ensuring outreach to a larger audience. Highest grade prototyping capabilities would allow us to deliver exceptional designs and prototypes faster, also enabling the team to expand their skills and knowledge.

please contact us for more information




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