Set PCB design environment

Double-click the file in the design pcb1. After the pcb into the PCB design system, you first need to set up PCB design environment. Right-click, select Options design environment settings (Figure l8)...

PCB PCB design PCB board layer PCB board

The introduction of each PCB board layer when Protel99 production

label: PCB board layer,Printed-circuit board,PCB board The introduction of each PCB board layer when Protel99 production When the production of PCB board layers Protel99 meaning Introduction: the t...

PCB board layer Printed-circuit board PCB board

pcb board layer settings and power split principle

label: pcb board,pcb board layer,PCB pcb board layer settings and power split principle. 1, vertical wiring rules must be defined directly adjacent two signal layers. 2, as the main power supply lay...

pcb board pcb board layer PCB

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