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DIY Sensor Projects Part 2---Innovation & Implementation S2E3

by: Dec 04,2020 3721 Views 0 Comments Posted in Activities

obstacle sensor infrared sensors Light Sensor motion sensor Gas Sensor Door Sensor

Sensors are in almost everyone’s life every day. All kinds of data is collected via the sensors and then transmitted to the computer. To be more precise, the latest sensor equipment includes heart rate, electrical voltage, gas, light, sound, temperature, and distance sensors.

Let’s go check these amazing projects!

1. Super Vision with Micro Technology

The sensors used for traditional obstacle detection mainly include laser radar sensors, ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors, and visual equipment. The Teacher G. once built a super eye with obstacle sensor and Micro SMD Technology. This infrared (IR) module for obstacle detection is ideal for line follower robot and short distance obstacle detector robot, meanwhile compatible with Arduino, Raspberry pi and PIC.


2. PCB Automatic Light Sensor

Easy One built an Automatic Off & On Light Sensor, which perfectly meet the need of some people who use bathroom at night, have night blindness, or love to sleep with the lights on.

 3. SmartShoe Insoles

SmartShoe Insoles designed by Umar Qattan is a wonderful project, which adds a multiplexer to get all 32 pressure sensors, a new motion sensor (MPU-9250) includes a magnetometer for greater accuracy and a haptics driver for vibration feedback. There are 3 key functions of this project. Firstly, it can weigh our body. And the second function is recording the walking posture. Then it will analyze the posture. Once the posture is improper, it will alert the user immediately.

4. Gas Sensor

Gas sensors are widely employed in factories and manufacturing facilities to identify gas leaks, and to detect smoke and carbon monoxide in homes. Roman Ursu Hack ( romanursuhack ) made a gas sensor to close the gas valve in urgency.

5. Door/Window Sensor

MK-SmartHouse shows the way connecting the ESP8266 MQTT OpenHAB Door Sensor to OpenHAB using windows or mac. And he also shows the way making the door sensor viewed by openHAB, siri, home kit, Amazon echo (Alexa), Google home, ios and Android. With this Door Sensor, we will be able to see the status of the door , or even been sent notification from mobile devices and OpenHAB.

6. DIY Advanced IOT based Real Time Earthquake Detector

Electronic Clinic made an Advanced IoT based real time Earthquake detector using Multiple Nodemcu ESP8266 wifi Modules and SW-420 Vibration sensors.

7. Whistle Switch Detector

ELECTRONOOBS Espa?a shows how to control household appliances by hiss detection.

User can casually turn a relay on and off simply by whistling.

8. Clap Switch

Diy Electronic built a Clap Switch using clap sensor.

9. Snap LED

u/SoochiMattch built a snap LED.

8. Hall Effect Sensors

A Hall-effect sensor is a device to measure the magnitude of a magnetic field. Its output voltage is directly proportional to the magnetic field strength through it.

In Ludic Science’s video, he elaborates the basic principles as detailed as enough. Believe me, if you wanna know deeper about Hall-effect sensor, his presentation will make things clear.

9.Color Sensor Without Microcontroller

Mousa - Simple Projects set a no micro-controller challenge for himself. His color Sensor only including LDR, LEDs, IC 4017 and IC LM358. And in this projecThe LED will directly reflect the same color as the object it detects.

10. Color Detector

The Teacher G. and Electronic Clinic’s project transfer the color into RGB Color Codes. This project can be widely used in the Art filed. For example, It’s useful for an amateur to sketch in realistic oil painting.

11. Lie detector

Espacio de César built a Lie detector with a graphical interface using Arduino and processing.

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