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How to use light-emitting diode circuit boards

by: Jan 09,2014 668 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

PCB board Pcb circuit boar PCB

With increasingly sophisticated consumer electronics products , such products as circuit boards with increasingly sophisticated consumer electronics products , such as products containing PCB boards are increasingly sophisticated, more and more fine lines .

Circuit boards with high-brightness light-emitting diode light source alternative to liquid crystal displays .

Repair ECG : ECG LCD monitor light damage . Including damage to the lamp aging, high-pressure line control panel front line failure , etc., caused by the monitor can not display , you can substitute with a high-brightness LCD display back light board . This method is economical and reliable , you can save a lot of maintenance costs for the hospital .

Now the hospital 's extensive use of LCD ECG and other LCD instrument . Do not underestimate the cost of repair materials in this regard . Currently this material parts are mostly imported, prices are high, a small lamp have twelve thousand dollars. If it were a simple and reliable source of economic security alternatives really dreamed of.

Lamp aging black, high-pressure line control panel front line fault . Take a long thin board 23cm, equidistant holes drilled twenty . The circuit boards are separated into two thin strips of copper surface , the twenty twenty -emitting diode into the hole . The board bipolar leads from the root bending , soldering circuit boards , respectively, on both the positive and negative thin strips of copper ; positive welding, soldering negative , twenty circuit boards in parallel , cut off the excess pin Serve. In thin copper plate on both sides of the circuit board solder a few small pieces of thin copper for heat dissipation and positioning .

Finally, the finished product looks similar to the original copper tube outer frame size ( cross-section into n -type ) , so be smoothly inserted. Component connection is good, the long row of circuit board circuit board inserted into the original lamp hole ( original lamp mounted on the upper end of the liquid crystal display ) . This basically finished.

Modification method is not the same. But it need not be inserted , but the good will and the cover can be inserted into the cover . The number of light-emitting diodes can be used less . Cape monochrome ECG is applied contrast control .

HP Color ECG is the brightness control. The contrast and brightness control computer with LCD display is independent of the light source ; its power below each of two lamps on the display. In the restructuring process should be subject to the actual results , determine the number of circuit boards and brightness .

Statistical analysis of data resulting from the inhibition of the standard curve results to the use of flexible , portable , compact, economical and practical, for a variety of general- ELISA reagents. PCB testing for aflatoxin given specific operating procedures , testing is very simple. For the storage and processing of data provides a good platform.

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