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Joint venture for metals recovery from waste circuit boards

by: Dec 20,2013 822 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

printed circuit board PCB

label: PCB,printed circuit board

ITRI Innovation Ltd has launched a new joint venture with its partner Ultromex Ltd to recover tin and other metals from waste circuit boards. ITRI Innovation has extensive knowledge of tin based technologies and Ultromex brings together expertise in plant construction, design, and novel processes for recovering both base and precious metals from all types of substrate and matrices.

A low cost, low energy technology for rapid removal of metals for final recovery from circuit board waste is being developed, enabling efficient recovery of tin, copper, lead, silver and other precious metals. A pilot plant is under construction in the Wirral, UK and will be operational within 3 months.

Pressure to recover metals efficiently from waste electronics scrap is growing with increasing commodity prices and constrained supplies. At the same time new regulations such as the revised WEEE Directive in Europe will mandate increasing targets for waste electronics collection. We believe this technology represents a significant advancement in metals recycling said David Bishop, Managing Director of ITRI.

Once proven at pilot plant scale, the technology will be licensed globally. Discussions are already well advanced with a number of interested parties. Itrimex will offer licensees the option of including the design, build and commissioning of plants as part of any agreement. It will also retain the capability to process scrap printed circuit boards on behalf of customers.

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