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Nine of the Chinese PCB industry

by: Dec 10,2013 675 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

photoelectric PCB PCB production PCB output PCB industry

China's printed circuit industry after nearly half a century of struggle, has now become China's electronic information industry indispensable important foundation and the safeguard, the output is in second place in the world. China's PCB output has reached $2004 in 8.15 billion, import and export amounted to $8.9 billion. Is not a long time will rise as the world's first.

Our country is a major power electronic circuits, PCB production, and now is far from the production of power, China also has the very big disparity compared with developed countries PCB industries.

A gap

PCB enterprises in China, we say refers to all the PCB enterprise obtaining the business license in mainland China. No matter where money comes from, but according to the detail points more than two-thirds of which is called an individual proprietorship or joint ventures, private enterprises, joint-stock enterprises and state-owned enterprises accounted for less than a third. Most of the time and the high-end products produced by enterprise, most of our production capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises and private enterprises, technical level still stays on the cheap products.

Gap between the two

Now China is also very lack of their own industry standards, more is not accepted by the international industry standard, at present Chinese enterprises are recognized America or Japan JPCA standard IPC standards. Speak diplomacy "disorder" in the past, we don't have their own industry standards, not accepted by the international industry standard, will not be able to reflect our strength and level.

The gap between the three

There are very few manufacturing in the United States, but they have a large number of brand and famous brand, they can seek hegemony; Japan has a strong manufacturing industry, and there are a lot of famous brand, and they lead. And we whether PCB, CCL, raw and auxiliary materials, special equipment for lack of its own brand, more lack of famous brand is recognized.

The gap between the four

Our industry enterprise struggle, currently only for production, scale, and the continuation of production, busy, also unable to engage in development. And companies from the United States, Japan and Europe has its own research and development institutions, they have lasting power and the production of the new growth point.

The gap between the five

A high level of equipment, a high level of technology was in the hands of the foreigners, as foreign companies have happened. China's flexible plate, especially just scratch plate yield and level lags far behind its overseas. IC loading board, high density interconnect HDI board, motherboard, high-frequency microwave plate, the metal base plate and the thickness of copper foil, PCB, embedded passive components of the PCB, etc., we are also developing or infancy. And photoelectric PCB, PCB of nanomaterials, domestic enterprises have yet to start.

The gap between six

Our production would have the world's biggest, but we poor efficiency. We use still rely on imports of high-end equipment, such as vacuum pressure machine, large-tonnage hydraulic punching machine, CNC drilling machine, laser drilling machine, AOI and a large number of testing equipment and so on. Our plant conditions are not over a heterodyne, some even stronger than abroad, but compared to the same level, scale, equipment, and the benefit of our gap is too big, the per capita less than one over ten of Europe, the United States and Japan. We haven't form a complete, self-discipline of the market. Heavy discounting, disorderly competition between enterprises, already can't expand markets and seriously affected the healthy development of the industry.

The gap between the seven

Our environmental work is not satisfactory on the whole, from the PCB clean production and sustainable development still has a long way to go. Many small and medium-sized enterprises, especially private enterprises, it is necessary to greatly attaches great importance to the "three wastes" treatment. We also can't completely produced by the "three wastes" to Europe, America, Japan management level and ability.

The gap between eight

Our idea there is a great gap compared with abroad. Especially to strive in the industry for decades of bosses, need to be able to take the initiative to throw away their familiar, habits, and the effective something by yourself, and to accept the idea of some of the more modern, is a big issue. Whether enterprise executives, or experts and skilled workers, the authorities in China to the rapid development of electronic circuit industry, successor especially inter-disciplinary talent cultivation is the top priority.

The gap between nine

Our China printed circuit industry association (CPCA how to adapt to the development of the country, the industry and need, really do imaging as well as the United States IPC and Japan JPCA the association of international level; Truly become the interests of the industry representatives, for the benefit of the Chinese PCB industry and the development, effectively communicate closely with the government, coordination with foreign counterparts in a timely manner; Truly achieve all-round service industry, service enterprises, service functions of the government, this is a subject in front of our association.

China's electronic circuit, the rapid growth of China's PCB in today, looking back, the moon; Look forward, should calm thinking, seriously looking for the gap. Our industries are in urgent need of a strong, but there is still a long way to go.

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