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IoT Twitter Follower Tracker and Status Notifier

by: Apr 22,2021 3545 Views 1 Comments Posted in PCB Design Tutorial

PCB Design Tutorial KiCAD PCB layout Arduino Twitter

Summary:       Via Nano 33 IoT, display the follower count of a given Twitter account and its current follower status - STABLE, DEC, or INC.

I have a gradually growing Twitter account for my website to showcase my projects and articles. Most of the time, I forget to check if there is a change in the follower count of my Twitter account to discern the account growth chronologically. Thus, I decided to create this apparatus placed on my desk, which displays information of my Twitter account:

  • current follower count,
  • current account name and ID,
  • three preceding follower counts.

First of all, to manage to glean information from Twitter by avoiding any authentification process pertaining to the Twitter API, I chose to use a content delivery network (CDN) - cdn.syndication.twimg - to obtain the number of followers of a selected Twitter account by its screen name. When I managed to get information from Twitter, I programmed a web application in PHP, named Twitter Follower Tracker, running on Raspberry Pi to print a data packet containing:

  • the follower count,
  • the account name,
  • and the account ID.

Then, I used an Arduino Nano 33 IoT to get my Twitter account information and follower count transferred by the PHP web application and display them with a Nokia 5110 Screen.

Finally, I added a COM-09032 analog joystick and two buttons to control the menu options and scroll text.

After completing wiring on a breadboard and testing the code, I designed a PCB (Twitter Follower Tracker) having the Twitter logo carved at its center. It became a stylish and fitting addition to my desk as an efficient apparatus to track the follower count of my account :)

In addition to displaying information, the device:

  • Notifies the user when there is a change in the follower count - INC or DEC.
  • Shows monochrome images as a screensaver if selected.

Step 1: Designing and soldering the Twitter Follower Tracker PCB

Before prototyping my PCB design, I tested all connections and wiring with the Arduino Nano 33 IoT on the breadboard.

Then, I designed the Twitter Follower Tracker and Status Notifier PCB by using KiCad. I attached the Gerber file of the PCB below, so if you want, you can order this PCB from PCBWay to create a stylish and fitting apparatus to display the follower count of a selected account and get notified when there is a change, inspired by the Twitter logo :)

First of all, by using a soldering iron, I attached headers (female), COM-09032 analog joystick, buzzer, 5mm common cathode RGB LED, 6x6 pushbuttons, 1K resistors, and the power jack.

Component list on the PCB:

A1 (Headers for Arduino Nano 33 IoT)

S1 (Headers for Nokia 5110 Screen)

U1 (COM-09032 Analog Joystick)

BZ1 (Buzzer)

D1 (5mm Common Cathode RGB LED)

K1, K2 (6x6 Pushbutton)

R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 (1K Resistor)

J1 (Power Jack)

Step 2: Setting up a LAMP web server on Raspberry Pi

If you are a novice in programming with Raspberry Pi, you can inspect well-explained instructions and tutorials on the official Raspberry Pi website.

To go to the official Raspberry Pi setting up tutorial, click here.

⭐ Open a terminal window by selecting Accessories > Terminal from the menu.

⭐ Install the apache2 package by typing the following command into the terminal and pressing Enter:

sudo apt-get install apache2 -y

⭐ To test the server, open Chromium by selecting Internet > Chromium Web Browser from the menu and enter http://localhost.

⭐ If you want, you can use the IP address of your Raspberry Pi as well.

hostname -I

⭐ Install the PHP package with the following command:

⭐ Do not forget to update the Pi.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install php -y

⭐ To be able to obtain information from the cdn.syndication.twimg (CDN), install the php-curl package:

sudo apt-get install php-curl

⭐ Then, restart the apache server to be able to use the installed packages on the localhost:

sudo service apache2 restart

Step 3: Developing the Twitter Follower Tracker web application in PHP to elicit information from the CDN

Although Twitter provides an API to collate information on Twitter accounts, tweets, replies, etc., I decided to use a content delivery network (CDN) in this project since the Twitter API requires an authentification process and key.

CDN: cdn.syndication.twimg

⭐ CDN uses screen names of Twitter accounts to collect and return this information in JSON:


The web application consists of one file - index.php. You can download the web application below to install it on your Raspberry Pi - Twitter_Follower_Tracker.zip.

💻 index.php

⭐ Define the twitter_follower_tracker class and its functions.

⭐ In the __init__ function, define the screen name of the Twitter account, such as ThAmplituhedron.

⭐ In the get_followers function, print information of the given Twitter account.

  • Follower Count
  • Account Name
  • Account ID

⭐ Syntax:



⭐ Define the twitter class object.

// Define the twitter_follower_tracker class and its functions:
class twitter_follower_tracker{
	public $account;
	public function __init__($account){
		$this->account = $account;
	public function get_followers(){
		$url = "https://cdn.syndication.twimg.com/widgets/followbutton/info.json?screen_names=".$this->account;
		$data = json_decode(file_get_contents($url, true));
		echo "%".$data[0]->followers_count."%".$data[0]->name."%".$data[0]->id."%";

// Define the new 'twitter' class object:
$twitter = new twitter_follower_tracker();

// Print information that of the given Twitter account.

Step 3.1: Setting up the web application on Raspberry Pi

⭐ First of all, extract the Twitter_Follower_Tracker.zip folder and move the application folder (Twitter_Follower_Tracker) to the apache server (/var/www/html) by using the terminal since the apache server is a protected location.

sudo mv /home/pi/Downloads/Twitter_Follower_Tracker /var/www/html/

⭐ Go to the web application:


Step 4: Setting up the Arduino Nano 33 IoT

If you are a novice in programming with the Arduino Nano 33 IoT, follow the steps below to program it with the Arduino IDE.

⭐ Download the required drivers - Arduino SAMD Core - as explained here.

⭐ To be able to connect to the WiFi, download the WiFiNINA library from here.

Step 5: Programming the Arduino Nano 33 IoT

Download the required libraries to be able to control the modules:

Nokia 5110 Screen | Library

⭐ Include required libraries and define the WiFi settings.

// Include required libraries:
#include <SPI.h>
#include <WiFiNINA.h>
#include <LCD5110_Graph.h>

char ssid[] = "<SSID>";        // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "<PASSWORD>";    // your network password (use for WPA, or use as key for WEP)
int keyIndex = 0;              // your network key Index number (needed only for WEP)
int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;

// Enter the IPAddress of your Raspberry Pi.
IPAddress server(192, 168, 1, 20);

// Initialize the Ethernet client library
WiFiClient client; /* WiFiSSLClient client; */

⭐ Define the Nokia 5110 screen settings and the graphics (monochrome images).

⭐ To create different graphics (monochrome images), go to Monochrome Image Converter.

// Define screen settings.
LCD5110 myGLCD(2,3,4,5,6);

extern uint8_t SmallFont[];
extern uint8_t MediumNumbers[];
// Define the graphics:
extern uint8_t twitter[];

⭐ Initiate the screen and check for the WiFi module to verify the connection.

  // Initiate screen.

  // Check for the WiFi module:if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_MODULE) { myGLCD.print("Connection Failed!", 0, 8); myGLCD.update(); while (true); }
  // Attempt to connect to the WiFi network:while (status != WL_CONNECTED) {
    myGLCD.print("Waiting...", 0, 8);
    myGLCD.print("Attempting to", 0, 16);
    myGLCD.print("connect to", 0, 24);
    myGLCD.print("WiFi !!!", 0, 32);
    // Connect to WPA/WPA2 network. Change this line if using open or WEP network:
    status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
    // Wait 10 seconds for connection:

⭐ In the read_controls function, read joystick and control button values.

void read_controls(){
  // Joystick:
  joystick_x = analogRead(VRX);
  joystick_y = analogRead(VRY);
  joystick_sw = digitalRead(SW);
  // Buttons:
  _right = digitalRead(right);
  _left = digitalRead(left);

⭐ In the change_menu_options function:

⭐ Increase or decrease the menu option number (selected) using the Y-axis of the analog joystick.

⭐ Depending on the menu option number (selected), change the boolean status.

void change_menu_options(){
  // Increase or decrease the option number using the joystick (VRY).if(joystick_y >= 900) selected--; 
  if(joystick_y <= 45) selected++; 
  if(selected < 0) selected = 4;
  if(selected > 4) selected = 1;

  // Depending on the selected option number, change the boolean status.switch(selected){
    case 1:
      followers = true;
      entries = false;
      graphics = false;
      _sleep = false;
    case 2:     
      followers = false;
      entries = true;
      graphics = false;
      _sleep = false;
    case 3:
      followers = false;
      entries = false;
      graphics = true;
      _sleep = false;
    case 4:
      followers = false;
      entries = false;
      graphics = false;
      _sleep = true;

⭐ After being selected, if the followers menu option is activated by pressing the joystick button (SW):

⭐ Get the Twitter account information from the REST API (CDN).

⭐ Check the current follower status using registered status variables:

  • INC
  • DEC

⭐ If there is an increase or decrease in the follower count, notify the user.

⭐ Update the last entries (follower counts) list.

⭐ Print the Twitter account information and status.

⭐ Scroll the fetched information by using the X-axis of the analog joystick.

⭐ If the Left button is pressed, halt notification (buzzer).

⭐ If the Right button is pressed, return to the interface.

  if(followers == true){
      myGLCD.print("A. Followers", 0, 16);
      adjustColor(255, 0, 255);
      if(joystick_sw == false){
        activated = true;
        // Get the Twitter Account Information from the REST API (CDN):
        // Check the follower status using registered status variables:
        int _followers = follower_count.toInt();
        if(_followers != previous_count){
          // If there is an increase or decrease in the follower number, notify the user:if(_followers > previous_count){ _status = "INC"; adjustColor(0, 255, 0); tone(buzzer, 500); }
          if(_followers < previous_count){ _status = "DEC"; adjustColor(255, 0, 0); tone(buzzer, 500); }
          // Change the last entries list:
          previous_count = _followers;
          entry_3 = entry_2;
          entry_2 = entry_1;
          entry_1 = _followers;
          _status = "STABLE";
          adjustColor(0, 0, 255);
        while(activated == true){
          myGLCD.print("Status: " + _status, 0, 0);
          myGLCD.print(follower_count, CENTER, 16);
          scrolling_text(" Name: " + account_name + " ", 32);
          scrolling_text(" ID:" + account_id + " ", 40);
          // Halt notification.if(_left == false) noTone(buzzer);
          // Exit.if(_right == false){ activated = false; x = 0; myGLCD.clrScr(); myGLCD.update(); noTone(buzzer); }         
    }while(followers == false);

⭐ After being selected, if the entries menu option is activated by pressing the joystick button (SW):

⭐ Print the registered entries list - last three follower counts.

⭐ If the Left button is pressed, reset the entries list.

⭐ If the Right button is pressed, return to the interface.

    if(entries == true){
      myGLCD.print("B. Entries", 0, 24);
      adjustColor(0, 255, 255);
      if(joystick_sw == false){
        activated = true;
        while(activated == true){
          // Print the entries list:
          myGLCD.print("Entries: ", 0, 0);
          myGLCD.print("1 => : " + String(entry_1), 0, 16);
          myGLCD.print("2 => : " + String(entry_2), 0, 24);
          myGLCD.print("3 => : " + String(entry_3), 0, 32);
          // RESET THE ENTRIES LIST:if(_left == false){ entry_1 = 0; entry_2 = 0; entry_3 = 0; myGLCD.clrScr(); myGLCD.update(); }
          // Exit.if(_right == false){ activated = false; myGLCD.clrScr(); myGLCD.update(); }         
    }while(entries == false);

⭐ After being selected, if the graphics menu option is activated by pressing the joystick button (SW):

⭐ Display the monochrome image (twitter) as the screensaver.

⭐ If the Right button is pressed, return to the interface.

  if(graphics == true){
      myGLCD.print("C. Graphics", 0, 32);
      adjustColor(255, 255, 0);
      if(joystick_sw == false){
        activated = true;
        while(activated == true){
          // Define and print monochrome images:
          // Exit.
          if(_right == false){ activated = false; myGLCD.clrScr(); myGLCD.update(); } 
    }while(graphics == false);

⭐ After being selected, if the sleep menu option is activated by pressing the joystick button (SW):

⭐ Activate the sleep mode in 10 seconds.

⭐ Print the remaining seconds.

⭐ Display the color pattern while sleeping - red, green, blue, purple, white.

⭐ If the Right button is pressed, return to the interface.

 if(_sleep == true){
     myGLCD.print("D. Sleep", 0, 40);
     adjustColor(255, 69, 0);
     if(joystick_sw == false){
       // Activate the sleep mode in 10 seconds.
       myGLCD.print("Entering", CENTER, 0);
       myGLCD.print("Sleep Mode", CENTER, 8);
       myGLCD.print("in", CENTER, 16);
       myGLCD.print("Seconds", CENTER, 40);
       // Print remaining seconds.
       for (int s=10; s>=0; s--){ myGLCD.printNumI(s, CENTER, 24, 2, '0'); myGLCD.update(); delay(1000); }
       activated = true;
       while(activated == true){
         // Color Pattern:
         // Exit.
         if(_right == false){ activated = false; myGLCD.clrScr(); myGLCD.disableSleep(); myGLCD.setFont(SmallFont); adjustColor(0,0,0); }
   }while(_sleep == false);

Step 5.1: Getting information from the web application and using the analog joystick to scroll text

⭐ In the make_a_get_request function:

⭐ Connect to the web application named Twitter Follower Tracker.

⭐ If the connection is successful, make a Get request to obtain the Twitter account information:

  • Follower Count
  • Account Name
  • Account ID

⭐ If there are incoming bytes available, get the response from the web application.

⭐ Split the response string by the predefined delimiter (%) to glean information as substrings - follower_count, account_name, and account_id.

void make_a_get_request(String application){
  // Connect to the web application named Twitter_Follower_Tracker. Change '80' with '443' if you are using SSL connection.if(client.connect(server, 80)){
    // If successful:
    myGLCD.print("Connected to", 0, 8);
    myGLCD.print("the server!!!", 0, 16);
    // Make an HTTP Get request:
    client.println("GET " + application + " HTTP/1.1");
    client.println("Connection: close");
    myGLCD.print("Connection", 0, 8);
    myGLCD.print("Error!!!", 0, 16);
  delay(2000); // Wait 2 seconds after connection...// If there are incoming bytes available, get the response from the web application.
  String response = "";
  while (client.available()) { char c = client.read(); response += c; }
  if(response != "" && response.endsWith("%")){
    // Split the response string by a pre-defined delimiter in a simple way. '%'(percentage) is defined as the delimiter in this project.int delimiter_1, delimiter_2, delimiter_3, delimiter_4;
    delimiter_1 = response.indexOf("%");
    delimiter_2 = response.indexOf("%", delimiter_1 + 1);
    delimiter_3 = response.indexOf("%", delimiter_2 + 1);
    delimiter_4 = response.indexOf("%", delimiter_3 + 1);
    // Glean information as substrings.
    follower_count = response.substring(delimiter_1 + 1, delimiter_2);
    account_name = response.substring(delimiter_2 + 1, delimiter_3);
    account_id = response.substring(delimiter_3 + 1, delimiter_4);

⭐ In the scrolling_text function:

⭐ Scroll a given string using the X-axis of the analog joystick on a given y coordinate (row).

void scrolling_text(String text, int y){
  int len = text.length();
  // Scroll text using the joystick (VRX).if(joystick_x <= 45) x--;
  if(joystick_x >= 900) x++;
  if(x>84) x = 84;
  if(x<=-(len*6)) x = -(len*6);
  // Print.
  myGLCD.print(text, x, y);

Connections and Adjustments

// Connections
// Arduino Nano 33 IoT :           
//                                Nokia 5110 Screen
// D2  --------------------------- SCK (Clk)
// D3  --------------------------- MOSI (Din) 
// D4  --------------------------- DC 
// D5  --------------------------- RST
// D6  --------------------------- CS (CE)
//                                JoyStick
// A0  --------------------------- VRY
// A1  --------------------------- VRX
// D9  --------------------------- SW
// 5V  --------------------------- 5V
// GND --------------------------- GND
//                                Button (Right)
// A3  --------------------------- S
//                                Button (Left)
// A2  --------------------------- S
//                                RGB LEB (RCGB)
// D12 --------------------------- R
// D11 --------------------------- G
// D10 --------------------------- B
//                                Buzzer
// D8  --------------------------- +

After completing and uploading the code, I attached all required components to the board via headers - the Arduino Nano 33 IoT and the Nokia 5110 Screen.

Modes and Features

📊🔄 First of all, the device checks for a successful WiFi connection. Then, if connected, it displays the interface (menu).

📊🔄 The device shows four different modes on the interface:

  • A. Followers
  • B. Entries
  • C. Graphics
  • D. Sleep

📊🔄 The device allows the user to select a mode (option) on the interface via the analog joystick:

  • Y-axis (>= 900) ➡ Go Up
  • Y-axis (<= 45) ➡ Go Down
  • SW ➡ Activate

📊🔄 While selecting a mode on the interface with the Y-axis of the analog joystick, the device turns the RGB LED to a different color for each mode:

  • Followers ➡ Purple
  • Entries ➡ Cyan
  • Graphics ➡ Yellow
  • Sleep ➡ Orange

📊🔄 After activating any modes, the device lets the user return to the interface by pressing the Right button.

📌 A. Followers

📊🔄 The device connects to the web application (Twitter Follower Tracker) to obtain the Twitter account information:

  • Follower Count
  • Account Name
  • Account ID

📊🔄 The device checks the current follower status in comparison to the previously registered follower count:

  • INC
  • DEC

📊🔄 Then, the device displays the current follower status, the current follower count, the account name, and the account ID.

📊🔄 If the current follower status is STABLE, which means no change in the follower count, the device turns the RGB LED to blue.

📊🔄 If the current follower status is INC, which means an increase in the follower count, the device turns the RGB LED to green and notifies the user via the buzzer.

📊🔄 If the current follower status is DEC, which means a decrease in the follower count, the device turns the RGB LED to red and notifies the user via the buzzer.

📊🔄 If the Left button is pressed, the device halts the buzzer (notification) and keeps displaying the account information.

📊🔄 The device allows the user to scroll the fetched account information with the X-axis of the analog joystick.

📌 B. Entries

📊🔄 The device displays the last three registered follower counts (entries) chronologically.

📊🔄 If the Left button is pressed, the device resets the entries (follower counts) list.

📌 C. Graphics

📊🔄 The device shows the Twitter logo (monochrome image) as the screensaver.

📌 D. Sleep

📊🔄 The device activates the sleep mode in 10 seconds while printing the remaining seconds.

📊🔄 The device displays the color pattern - red, green, blue, purple, white - during the sleep mode.

Videos and Conclusion

After completing all steps above, I placed the device on my desk by utilizing a plastic easel as a fitting and stylish decoration for my room. It works stupendously :)

Code and Downloads

You can inspect and download all mentioned code files and Gerber files from here.

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