Harnesses Analyzer Board
a machine that assemble and tests electrical harnesses on production process and alarm for faults for ex: shorted wires ,cut wires ,inverted wires , a complete harness analysis software gets printed reports and anther futures
Step 1: Harness Analyzer Board
Harness Analyzer Board tests the proper continuity of electrical harness(s) in terms of being connected properly or suffers short, cut or inverted pins after the process of the manufacture. It also identifies a map for each harness (harness’s print) under test, It operates using low voltage testing, The device tests 64 testing points in other words it covers 4094 connectivity probabilities.
It tests one or more harnesses provided not to exceed 64 testing points for all harnesses under test. It provides quick and reliable results in less than 1 seconds for each harness.
Harness Analyzer Board tests all types of harnesses for example harnesses of washing machines, refrigerators, cooks, and cars, etc.
The device is light, and portable and offers the advantages of low cost, ease of use, safety and simplicity.
Device Body
Perfect - HA64PRS232 is a steel-made device coated with electrostatic painting; one or more testing board can be attached to the device with a maximum 4 testing boards with no more than 64 testing points.
It is fixed on a triangle-shaped base that makes it in a diagonal position allowing for easy, familiar operability for users.
The Device can be fixed on a table, hanged on wall, or been placed horizontally.
At the diagonally position, the computer LCD monitor can be fixed on the back of the device through the monitor-holder attached to the device;
Testing Board
Electronic circuit
Errors Reports
After testing, errors reports are printed through label printers and sticker is labelled on the harness to distinguish.
The size of the printed sticker is customized under the user’s requests, besides; the data to be printed can be controlled through the software program;
Error reports can be printed through normal laser jet printer as agreed with user;
Operating Software
It is designed to receive, analyze data and display results on the screen for each harness tested; It also stores a map for each harness allowing to be recalled.
It includes as well a printing function allowing to print error report for each harness tested.

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