Motor Driver Using 555 Timer IC
I think it is easier for you to connect all the wires using the diagram above. If so, you can finish your wiring and jump to Arduino sketch
Step 1: 9 steps for full progress
Step 1: Ingridients
2 pieces of 555 Timer Chip.
A mini breadboard.
A mini switch (optional).
A 7,4V or 9V battery.
An Arduino Uno R3
A small power rating DC Motor.
Some breadboard jumper cables.
Note : This project only works for standard 1.5V to 3V Tamiya DC Motor. Any higher power rating DC Motor will not move because 555 Timer IC has limited output power.
Step 2: Fabrication
If you are not familiar with 555 Timer IC, here is the schematic of its internal components and pinouts.
Put two 555 Timer ICs (pin 1 on bottom left) in the middle of breadboard with a little space in between because we will plug many jumper wires here. I already have my mini switch on top left. At bottom left you see black spot, just ignore it. It was burnt on testing, so I mark it black :P And you see on the right side I have link the top and bottom VCC rails and Ground rails.
Step 3: Wiring The Chips
I will explain my photos with my wire colors, you can use whatever colors you like :)
Photo 1 : Blue wire connects pin 4 and pin 8. Do this for both chips.
Photo 2 : Green wire connects pin 2 and pin 6. Do this for both chips.
Photo 3 : White wire connect pin 5 of the first chip to pin 5 of the second chip.
Photo 4 : Another White wire connect pin 3 (output) of the first chip to pin 2 (trigger) of the second chip.
Step 4: Even More Wires
We are getting more wires, so keep your eyes open :D As long as you follow the pins number, you won't get lost. My photos are only for references.
Photo 1 : Green wire connect pin 3 of first chip to motor terminal. Blue wire connect pin 3 of second chip to another terminal.
Photo 2 : Black wire connect pin 1 to Ground. Do this for both chips.
Photo 3 : Black wire connect pin 8 to VCC. Do this for both chips.
Step 5: Connecting Arduino and Battery
Photo 1 : Orange wire goes from First Chip pin 2 to Arduino pin ~3.
Photo 2 : White wire goes from First Chip pin 5 to Arduino pin 2.
Photo 3 : Red wire goes from Breadboard VCC Rail to Arduino VIN. Black wire goes from Breadboard Ground Rail to Arduino GND.
Photo 4 : White wire connects Breadboard VCC Rail to Switch terminal (I am out of red wires here).
Photo 5 : White wire connects another Switch terminal to Battery +. Black wire goes from Breadboard Ground Rail to Battery -.
Now we are done. ( ^_^ )
Step 6: Arduino Sketch
* Chienline @2014
-==:: 3 Volts DC Motor Driver with Dual 555 Timer IC ::==-
* Control Pin from 555 IC is needed to STOP the motor
* Trigger Pin from 555 IC is needed to drive forward or backward
* PWM on Trigger Pin is used to set the speed
* Note : Forward and Backward is interchangeable via Motor connection.
int controlPin = 2; // 555 pinout 5
int triggerPin = 3; // 555 pinout 2
// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
pinMode(controlPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(triggerPin, OUTPUT);
// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
// move FORWARD;
digitalWrite(controlPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(triggerPin, HIGH); //full speed
// PWM testing to control motor speed
// analogWrite(triggerPin, 128+70); //minimum speed (128+70)
// delay(3000);
// STOP;
digitalWrite(controlPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(triggerPin, HIGH);
// move BACKWARD;
digitalWrite(controlPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(triggerPin, LOW); //full speed
// PWM testing to control motor speed
// analogWrite(triggerPin, 128-70); //minimum speed (128-70)
// delay(3000);
// STOP;
digitalWrite(controlPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(triggerPin, HIGH);
Step 7: Testing
Put some tape on the rotor. I have clear tape only, so I cut a piece of paper forming "U" shape as in photo number 2. Put it as high as the rotor so that we know where it flaps. The direction is interchangeable in the code or on the motor terminals connection (those are pin 3 on the first chip and the second chip).
Step 8: Let's Go Further
Now let's make two of it to build Dual Motor Driver. I simplify it by using tiny wires from network cable. Connect it to my previous Bluetooth Panzer. Tadaaaa...
That is a video showing the panzer moves forward and backward.
Step 9: Furthest : Bluetooth, Controlled by Android Phone
See my previous bluetooth panzer without camera. It is controlled by Android Phone. Four 555 Timer ICs drive its dual dc motors. Do not expect speed :D
Connect to the diagram above and upload this sketch:
Chienline @ 2014
Controlling an Arduino car/tank using an Android phone over Bluetooth connection.
Android Software : Arduino Bluetooth RC Car by Andi.Co [in PlayStore].
Some codes are changed from the Official codes to get it works with my DIY Motor Driver.
char dataIn = 'S'; //Character/Data coming from the phone. S=Stop;
int LCPin = 2; // 555 pinout 5 Left Motor
int LTPin = 3; // 555 pinout 2 Left Motor
int RCPin = 4; // 555 pinout 5 Right Motor
int RTPin = 5; // 555 pinout 2 Right Motor
int pinfrontLights = 6; //Pin that activates the Front lights.
int pinbackLights = 7; //Pin that activates the Back lights.
char determinant; //Used in the check function, stores the character received from the phone.
char det; //Used in the loop function, stores the character received from the phone.
int velocity = 0; //Stores the speed based on the character sent by the phone.
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); //Initialize serial communication with Bluetooth module at 9600 baud rate.
pinMode(LCPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LTPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RCPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RTPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinfrontLights , OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinbackLights , OUTPUT);
//Stop both motors on power up.
void loop()
det = check();
while (det == 'F') //if incoming data is a F, move forward
det = check();
while (det == 'B') //if incoming data is a B, move back
det = check();
while (det == 'L') //if incoming data is a L, move wheels left
det = check();
while (det == 'R') //if incoming data is a R, move wheels right
det = check();
while (det == 'I') //if incoming data is a I, turn right forward
det = check();
while (det == 'J') //if incoming data is a J, turn right back
det = check();
while (det == 'G') //if incoming data is a G, turn left forward
det = check();
while (det == 'H') //if incoming data is a H, turn left back
det = check();
while (det == 'S') //if incoming data is a S, stop
det = check();
//Front Lights and Back Lights on/off are cool, but for starting I haven't connect them to my circuit.
//But i leave the detection in the code for further use.
while (det == 'U') //if incoming data is a U, turn ON front lights
digitalWrite(pinfrontLights, HIGH);
det = check();
while (det == 'u') //if incoming data is a u, turn OFF front lights
digitalWrite(pinfrontLights, LOW);
det = check();
while (det == 'W') //if incoming data is a W, turn ON back lights
digitalWrite(pinbackLights, HIGH);
det = check();
while (det == 'w') //if incoming data is a w, turn OFF back lights
digitalWrite(pinbackLights, LOW);
det = check();
int check()
if (Serial.available() > 0) //Check for data on the serial lines.
dataIn =; //Get the character sent by the phone and store it in 'dataIn'.
// Serial.println(dataIn); //this line is for debugging using Arduino serial monitor.
if (dataIn == 'F')
determinant = 'F';
else if (dataIn == 'B')
determinant = 'B';
else if (dataIn == 'L')
determinant = 'L';
else if (dataIn == 'R')
determinant = 'R';
else if (dataIn == 'I')
determinant = 'I';
else if (dataIn == 'J')
determinant = 'J';
else if (dataIn == 'G')
determinant = 'G';
else if (dataIn == 'H')
determinant = 'H';
else if (dataIn == 'S')
determinant = 'S';
//Standard DC Motors are not fast enough to play with velocity.
//You can set the velocity using 555 Trigger Pin with analogWrite();
//I bet you don't want to make your tank slower than its higest speed using standard DC Motors.
else if (dataIn == '0') //velocity = 0 - 9, q = top speed.
velocity = 20; // value = 0 - 255; "velocity" does not need to be returned.
else if (dataIn == 'U')
determinant = 'U';
else if (dataIn == 'u')
determinant = 'u';
else if (dataIn == 'W')
determinant = 'W';
else if (dataIn == 'w')
determinant = 'w';
return determinant;
//These direction functions are designed for 555 Motor Driver
//You need to change them to suit your other motor drivers.
void moveForward(){
digitalWrite(LCPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LTPin, HIGH); //L-Forward
digitalWrite(RCPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RTPin, HIGH); //R-Forward
void moveBackward(){
digitalWrite(LCPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LTPin, LOW); //L-Backward
digitalWrite(RCPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RTPin, LOW); //R-Backward
void stopMotors(){
digitalWrite(LCPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(LTPin, HIGH); //L-Stop
digitalWrite(RCPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(RTPin, HIGH); //R-Stop
void moveLeftForward(){
digitalWrite(LCPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LTPin, LOW); //left wheel backward
digitalWrite(RCPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RTPin, HIGH); //right wheel forward
void moveRightForward(){
digitalWrite(RCPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RTPin, LOW); //right wheel backward
digitalWrite(LCPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LTPin, HIGH); //left wheel forward
void moveLeftBackward(){
digitalWrite(LCPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LTPin, HIGH); //left wheel forward
digitalWrite(RCPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RTPin, LOW); //right wheel backward
void moveRightBackward(){
digitalWrite(LCPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LTPin, LOW); //left wheel backward
digitalWrite(RCPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RTPin, HIGH); //right wheel forward
Mar 17,2015
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