RGB Addressable Module

I made this board for a stairs lighting project that will use WS2812B addressable LEDs and this is the very first PCB that I ever designed. The PCBWay staff was awesome at guiding me through the process of making it a reality and I can't thank them enough for this. When I received the PCBs, they were neatly packed and I was simply amazed at how they turned out. The biggest challenge with my design was the circular shape and I was worried that it might look strange but they were cut with great precision and looked perfect with very smooth edges. I also did a review video on my YouTube channel if you want to see it: https://youtu.be/LgSYgpOZg9Q In the video, you can also check the soldering process but all that I can say is that it worked as expected without any issues whatsoever. With that said, I can definitely recommend PCBWay for their professionalism, awesomeness, and great production times. I will definitely use them on my future projects!

Oct 14,2021
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