ChaBotsMX RoboCup Soccer Lightweight Attacker and Goal Keeper

We ChaBotsMX, an independent student robotics group based in San Luis Potosí, Mexico that has been running since 2014. Our current team ranges from the ages of 14 to 18, from an array of different schools. In the past, we have had the honor of representing our country in international robotics competitions, such as RoboCup Soccer Primary in Hefei, China in 2015 and the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) in Thailand in 2018. This year we hope to once again reach the greatest level of competition at the international stage of RoboCup Eidnhoven, Netherlands. We belive this will help us with our goal of spreading knowledge and inspiring young people from our country to enter the world of STEM.

Old Robot

This being our second year preparing for RoboCup we decided to make a huge overhaul in our robots design, we decided to make our own 3D printed double layered omnidireccional wheels, a 3D printed Chasis, made the change from 3 wheel drive to 4 wheel dirve, but most importantly we decided to stray away from breakout boards and cables so decided to integrate most of our components into our PCB's. The components integrated into our PCB's include: 360 infrared light sensor, optic mouse sensor, line detection sensor, light indicator array, dc-dc voltage booster, solenoid kicker controller and custom made motor drivers.

Current robot render

All of our PCB's are compatible with both of our "Atacker" and "Goal Keeper" robot as to save time on assembly and on costs. Our first PCB which we consider the main PCB is responsible for controlling the motors and our solenoid kicker, this PCB is powered by a Teensy 4.1 and recives information from our other two PCB's to accurately controll our robots movement and hit the ball.

Main PCB

Our second PCB is in charge of finding the ball and keeping the robot oriented. This PCB is also powered by a Teensy 4.1 and houses our custom made 360 degree infrared light sensor, our BNO085 and has ports for an OPENMV cam and second 360 infrared sensor module. This PCB comunicates with the main board using uart comnunication protocol.

Ball seeker PCB

Our third PCB is in charge of keeping our robots within the bounds of the playing field. This PCB houses our line sensor array and our optic mouse sensor. Both of these interface directly with the Teensy 4.1 from our main PCB.

Line sensor PCB

Given that our current robots design is so electronically dependant on PCB's, PCBWAY's support would be crucial getting our team to a competitive level in the international stage.

We are excited about the prospect of having PCBWay's support and would be honored to have them as our sponsor for this years RoboCup.

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Feb 10,2024
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