Solid Fueled Aerospike Engine

My name is Joshua Billingsley, a high school student from Merrimack High School, Merrimack, NH. And i am trying to make a solid, and liquid fueled aerospike rocket engine. This is unique because aerospike rocket engines arent too common at this scale, however, it is something i want to demonstrate that has the capacity to be scaled up and used more in the aerospace industry. I am currently starting an aerospace company, JPBaerospace, a startup fully owned and operated by high school students, for high school students. Meaning we aim to sell rocket motors to students aiming to launch rockets for research purposes. The following are some pictures and videos with explainations of whats going on in them.

3d render of the unique aerospike design.

Some hand milled parts we hope to improve the tolerances of with PCBway

An image of the rocket engine spooling up, the clamps are 3D printed on an FDM printer, we hope to print with resin from PCBway because the properties of resin are alot betteer than PLA.

More milled parts out of aluminum.

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Mar 13,2023
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