VSWR Meter

### DESCRIPTION ( Introduce yourserlf and your project)

I'm a portuguese student and IT enthusast starting a journey in this world. I started studying Electrical Engineering (Electronics and Telecomms) and I'm about to complete my graduation.

I'm building a very simple VSWR meter using a basic schematic from the web and adding features and building it with my own reasoning.

### TECHNICAL DETAILS (With project photos)

This VSWR using a simple (twisted) Weatstone bridge, 2 amplifiers and a microcontroler to read values and perform the needed math. Results are shown in an LCD.

This project is now needing a new and small pcb to amplify an high frequency signal that will be milled by pcb way. After assembling it all, the project will be stored in an acrillic hand made box with the possibility to connect more than one signal sources and also the possibility to check VSWR up to a couple of hundreds of Mhz.

### Words to PCBWay

I'm asking for a sponsorship to pcbway to help me finishing this project. I hope the good will gives me a help completing my graduation.

Thanks to PCBWay, that because they will be milling my PCbs, my project will be more stable and will return more precise results. Also, the project will be able to reduce in size wich is always good.

I still have not many pictures I can show because things are still a bit late because I'm waiting fr this RF amplifier PCB to be ready to be able t assemble all parts inside the acrlilic box.

Hope PCB Way can help me. And that's all

Many thanks and best regards from Portugal

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Aug 04,2018
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