PCB Design & Layout

Layout In Pcbnew --- Part 2

Pcbnew is KiCad’s layout editor. Think of it as a drawing program that is specifically designed for drawing printed circuit boards. Pick up a PCB and, and try to identify and list its most important a...

footprint toolbar menus Pcbnew layout PCB Kicad pcb design

PCB Design & Layout

Layout in Pcbnew --- Part 1

Pcbnew is KiCad’s layout editor. Think of it as a drawing program that is specifically designed for drawing printed circuit boards. Pick up a PCB and, and try to identify and list its most important a...

layout pcbnew pcb kicad pcb design toolbar footprint

Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 15
2 Malcolm Low 4
3 Engineer 2
4 Engineer 1
5 Engineer 1
7 Arno Sommer 1
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