Engineering Technical

Gesture Recognition on Wio Terminal to Recognize Rock, Paper, Scissors

Note: The content and the pictures in this article are contributed by the author--Vincent KokUsing gesture recognition with the in-built light sensor, the Wio Terminal will be able to recognize the ro...

Gesture Recognition Tutorial Programming


Building a Rust Driver for PineTime’s Touch Controller

Pretend you’re my IoT student. I give you a PineTime Smart Watch and challenge you to “Make it work… Especially the touch screen!” The Touch Screen appears to be lacking some documentation. What would...

Internet of Things Rust Gadgets programming Nrf52


Coding nRF52 with Rust and Apache Mynewt on Visual Studio Code

The nRF52 Microcontroller by Nordic Semiconductor is an awesome gadget with powerful Bluetooth Low Energy networking capability. It’s affordable too… For under $8, I can buy an EBYTE E73-TBB Developme...

Programming Gadgets Nrf52 Rust Mynewt


Program Your First FPGA With GOWIN GW1N-4

If you’re a software developer like me, you might be thrilled to see so many exciting embedded hardware platforms that we can now program easily, from Arduinos to the PADI IoT Stamp and the STM32 Blue...

FPGA Gowin arduino IoT programming Internet of Things


Porting [druid] Rust Widgets to PineTime Smart Watch

A button that responds to our tapping and increments a counter… That’s what we shall accomplish today on the PineTime Smart Watch…The Watch App we see in the video was created with the [druid] Crate i...

Rust Internet of Things Gadgets Programming Nrf52 PineTime


STM32 Blue Pill — Analyse and Optimise Your RAM and ROM

Someday our Blue Pill development tools will get so smart… And automatically flag out seemingly innocuous changes we made (like adding sprintf()) that caused our Blue Pill program to bloat beyond Blue...

STM32 Blue Pill programming Stm32 Embedded Systems


Visual Embedded Rust Programming with Visual Studio Code

Create and edit Embedded Rust programs for STM32 Blue Pill and Apache Mynewt… By dragging and dropping blocks!Tomato Crop and Temperature Sensors on Moon Base OneThe year is 2029. Humans are populatin...

Programming Internet of Things Rust Stm32 Nb lot


Rust Rocks NB-IoT! STM32 Blue Pill with Quectel BC95-G on Apache Mynewt

The year is 2029. Humans are populating the Moon, starting at Moon Base One. Two Moon Base Operators are about to commit another grave mistake in the crop garden of beautiful red tomatoes…Tomato Crop ...

Rust Internet of Things Stm32 Programming

Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 15
2 Malcolm Low 4
3 Engineer 2
4 Engineer 1
5 Engineer 1
7 Arno Sommer 1
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