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Application Of Printed Electronics In Healthcare

by: Dec 23,2013 861 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

PCB disposables PCB technology PCB pcb board

Keyword: pcb board, technology PCB, PCB, PCB disposables

Printed electronics for healthcare PCB and beauty encompasses stretchable, flexible, conformal, and sometimes biodegradable electronics and electrics. It is very thin and lightweight, even in hybrid constructions that, for now, incorporate conventional integrated circuits (IC), light emitting diodes (LED), PCB and other chips in a partly printed device to perform functions not yet possible with entirely printed surfaces. Saving up to 40% of cost, space, and weight and making new things possible are typical achievements. This is the only up to date, comprehensive report on this rapidly emerging technology PCB and covers; electronic medical implants, patches, PCB disposables, and drug and cosmetic dispensing: stretchable, flexible, wide area, low cost, disposable electronics. It looks at how technologies such as NFC are impacting healthcare provision.


This profusely illustrated report takes a very broad view of the subject so the reader does not miss commercial PCB opportunities because of the relatively narrow focus PCB of the research community. Tables and charts compare the technical, market and other options, navigate the jargon and reveal trends. Leveraging a large database on the subject, its coverage in relevant events and a wide range of personal contacts reinforced by intensive travel, the subject is PCB brought alive without equations or obscure science but with the fruits of research by a highly qualified and experienced team.

The technologies of printed, stretchable, flexible, biodegradable, implantable and wide area electronics and electrics for healthcare and beauty with PCB a profusion of case studies of their development and application to a wide variety of needs with summaries of market drivers PCB.

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