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CADENCE PCB design solutions

by: Feb 24,2014 2088 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

PCB manufacturing PCB design PCB

Complex physical and electrical rule , high-density layout components , and higher -speed technology requirements , all this adds to the complexity of today's PCB design , no matter at what stage of the design process , designers need to be able to easily define , manage and validate simple physical / spacing rules, and critical high-speed signals , but they also ensure that the final PCB manufacturing and test specifications to meet the traditional achievable performance goals.

CADENCE PCB design solutions to solve the complete design environment and implementation of difficult and manufacturing are closely related to the design , the design solution integrates everything from design concept to final product required design flow includes design entry tool library , PCB editor and an automatic / interactive router , as well as for manufacturing and mechanical CAD interface , and with the design of the difficulty and complexity , through a unified database schema , using models and libraries for Cadence OrCAD and Allegro product line offers fully scalable PCB solutions designed to accelerate your speed and expand the design scale , thereby improving the design efficiency and shorten the design cycle , and faster mass production.

Cadence PCB design solutions in the following products :

Cadence Allegro PCB Design LXL and GXL

Cadence OrCAD PCB Designer, Cadence OrCAD PCB Designer with PSpice and Cadence OrCAD PCB Designer Basics

Cadence OrCAD EE Designer and Cadence OrCAD EE Designer Plus


Reliable, scalable and cost-saving PCB editing and routing solutions , and with the design requirements and time update

Offer from basic / advanced placement and routing to the strategic planning and global routing complete interconnect environment

Use high-speed rules / constraints to accelerate high-level design

Contains a comprehensive set of features

Includes a front -to-back constraint management system , create, manage and confirmed for restraint

Improve design efficiency through the integration of application software

Can achieve close integration of front -to-back


PCB Editor Technology

PCB editing environment

Cadence PCB design solutions is the core PCB Editor , which is an intuitive , easy-to- use , constraint -oriented environment for users to create and edit simple to complex PCB. It features a wide range of combinations to solve the problems of today's design and manufacturing exist. The PCB Editor provides a powerful and flexible layout planning tool based PCB Allegro platform design partitioning technology provides a synchronous design functions which can shorten the wiring time and accelerate product listed earlier , the powerful shape -based alignment push function brings high productivity interconnected environment, while the length and timing can be displayed in real time tolerance , dynamic feature provides real-time shop copper fill and repair shop in the placement and routing iterations , the PCB editor also You can generate a full set of film processing, bare-board assembly and test outputs, including bare board testing Gerber 274x, NC drill and a variety of formats , see Figure 1.


Constraint Management

Constraint management system in real time, shows the physical / spacing and speed rules and their status , according to which the current state of design and applied to any stage of the design process , each worksheet provides a spreadsheet interface , can allows users to define a hierarchical manner , manage and validate different rules. This powerful application allows designers to graphically create , edit and evaluate a set of constraints , so as graphical topology as electronic blueprint to achieve the ideal strategy . Once the constraints are submitted to the database , they can be used to drive the process of placement and routing the signal lines. The constraint management system is fully integrated into the PCB editor, and constraints can be designed with the process of being confirmed in real time , the results of the validation process is to use a graphical representation of the constraints are satisfied. Satisfy the constraints are displayed in green , does not satisfy the constraints on the use of red, which allows designers to see the progress of the design in a timely manner , and the impact of the electronic data sheet arising from any design changes .

Floorplanning and layout

Constraints and rules -driven approach in favor of a strong and flexible layout features, including interactive and automated component placement , engineer or designer can design input or floorplanning stage will be allocated to a specific component or branch circuit area by REF , package , associated signal name , part number , or the principle of the chart / page numbers to filter or select components. Today there are thousands of circuit board components require precise management through real-time analysis and feedback device assembly , the device can be achieved when the whole assembly up and meet the EMS rules to consider in order to improve the speed and the designer efficiency. DFA ( can be assembled design ) analysis . Allegro PCB Design XL and GXL have realized at the time to provide an interactive component placement, conduct real-time DFA rule checking, based on a device type and package arranged two-dimensional spreadsheet , DFA can check real-time edge -to-edge devices , edge-to- or end-to- end distance of a violation of the minimum requirements, making the PCB designer can place synchronously components in order to achieve optimum routability , manufacturability , and signal timing requirements.

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