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Circuit board materials

by: Jan 08,2014 4309 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

A printed circuit board (pcb) mechanically supports and electrically connects electronic components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched from copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate. pcb's can be single sided (one copper layer), double sided (two copper layers) or multi-layer. Conductor on different layers are connected with plated-through holes called vias. Advanced pcb's may contain components - capacitors, resistors or active devices - embedded in the substrate.

circuit board materials Introduction

Refers to materials manufacturing PCB PCB ( circuit board ) is used , the basic material needs to be called the PCB substrate material. Early 20th century to the late 1940s , is the embryonic stage PCB substrate material industry. Its development is characterized mainly in : a resin substrate material of this period, the reinforcing material and the insulating substrate in large numbers, technically preliminary exploration. These are the most typical printed circuit board substrate material - the advent and development of CCL , to create the necessary conditions . On the other hand , metal foil etching ( subtractive ) mainstream PCB manufacturing circuit manufacturing technology , has been initially established and developed. It CCL in structures , determine the characteristics of the condition , played a decisive role.

Development board of raw materials has gone through nearly 50 years of history. This coupled with the industry to determine before 50 years or so of basic raw materials it uses - resins and reinforcing materials science experiments and exploration of , PCB substrate material has accumulated nearly a hundred years of history . Every stage of the development of a substrate material industry , are subject to electronic machine products, semiconductor manufacturing technology, electrical installation technology, electronic circuit manufacturing technology driven innovation .

PCB substrate material , classified according to the nature of the material , basically can be divided into paper-based printed circuit board , PCB epoxy fiberglass cloth , composite substrate PCB, PCB and other special base substrate material . General printed circuit board substrate material can be divided into two categories: rigid substrate material and the flexible substrate material . Important species is generally rigid substrate materials CCL . It is the reinforcing material (Reinforeing Material), impregnated with resin adhesive by drying , cutting , folding the blank synthesis , then covered with foil , steel plate as a mold , in a hot press forming high temperature and pressure in the system into . Multilayer prepreg general use , it is CCL semi-finished products in the production process of ( mostly glass cloth impregnated with resin , dried processed) .

Circuit boards commonly used materials and parameters

PCB plate Bonded Copper knowledge and standards currently used by a large number of the following types

Classification copper clad board

There are several classifications of copper clad board. Generally reinforcements board is different, can be divided into : paper-based , glass fiber cloth , composite base (CEM series ) , laminated plywood base and specialty materials group ( ceramic , metal core group, etc. ) five categories. Resin adhesive sheet used according to different classification , the common base paper CCI. Are: various types of phenolic resins (XPc, XxxPC, FR-1, FR -2 , etc. ) , epoxy resin (FE -3 ) , a polyester resin or the like . Common epoxy glass fiber cloth CCL (FR a 4, FR-5), which type of glass fiber cloth is most widely used . There are also other characteristic of the resin ( glass fiber cloth , poly amide fibers , non-woven material is increased ) : modified bismaleimide triazine resin (BT), polyimide resin (PI) , diphenylene ether resins (PPO), maleic anhydride imide - styrene resin (MS), poly- isocyanate resins, polyolefin resins and the like . CCL by flame retardancy classification can be divided into flame retardant (UL94 a VO, UL94 a V1 level ) and non- flame retardant (UL94 HB grade one ) categories plate .

CCL truly scale adoption in PCB production, first appeared in the PCB industry in the United States in 1947 . To this end PCB substrate material industry has entered its initial development stage. During this stage , the substrate material used in the manufacture of raw materials - organic resin , reinforcing material , such as copper foil manufacturing technology advances , be a strong impetus for progress in industry, the substrate material . For this reason, the substrate material manufacturing technology start step by step toward maturity.

Invention and application of integrated circuits , miniaturization of electronic products, high performance, the PCB substrate material onto the track high performance technology development . PCB products in the rapidly expanding world demand , so that the output of the PCB substrate material products , varieties , technologies, have been rapid development. This phase of the substrate material applications , there is a vast new field - multi-layer printed circuit boards. Meanwhile, at this stage in the composition of the structure of the substrate material , and more development of its diversification.

In the late 1980 s, with notebook computers, mobile phones, video camera as representative's carrying type electronic products began to enter the market. These electronic products, the rapid development in the direction of miniaturization, lightweight, multi-functional, greatly promote the PCB to the progress of the micro holes, micro wire. Under the above PCB market demand changes, which can realize the high-density wiring of a new generation of sandwich plate - horizon laminated (hereinafter referred to as' moom 'means') appeared in the 1990 s. This important technical breakthrough, also makes the substrate material industry is entering a high-density interconnect (HDI) laminated substrate material for leading the development of the new stage. In this new stage, the traditional copper clad technology is a new challenge. PCB substrate material in manufacturing varieties of materials, production, base material on the organizational structure, performance features, or in terms of the features of the product, all had the new change, new creation.

In recent years, a new type does not contain bromine class content of CCL varieties with the emphasis on environmental issues, called green flame retardant CCL. With the rapid development of electronics technology, the cCL have higher performance requirements. From the performance of the CCL classification, therefore, is divided into general performance CCL CCL, low dielectric constant, high resistance to 5), it is currently the most widely used type of glass fiber cloth base. Other speciality resin (with glass fiber cloth, nylon, non-woven, etc to increase the material) : double maleic imide (BT), polyimide resin modified triazine resin (PI), diphenylene ether resin (PPO), maleic anhydride imide - styrene resin (MS), poly (cyanate ester resin, polyolefin resin, etc. According to CCL flame retardant performance classification, can be divided into flame retardant (UL94 a VO, UL94 V1) and non flame retardant (UL94 HB level) two types of boards. Nearly two years, with the increased attention given to environmental issues, in the flame retardant CCL and gives a new kind of doesn't contain bromine varieties of CCL class content, can be referred to as the "green flame retardant CCL". With the rapid development of electronics technology, the cCL have higher performance requirements. From the performance of the CCL classification, therefore, is divided into general performance CCL CCL, low dielectric constant, high heat resistance of CCL (general plate L at above 150 ℃), low thermal expansion coefficient of CCL (generally used to encapsulate the substrate), and other types. With the development of electronic technology and continuous improvement, substrate material continuously put forward new requirements for printed circuit board, thereby, to promote the continuous development of copper-clad plate standards.

Main criteria of substrate materials

National standards: the relevant substrate material of national standard GB/T4721-47221992 and GB4723-4725-4725, China's Taiwan region of copper-clad plate for CNS standard, is Japan's JIs standard is drawn up a blueprint, released in 1983. International standard: Japan JIS standards, American ASTM, NEMA, MIL, IPc, ANSI, UL, British Bs standards, German DIN, VDE standards, France's NFC, UTE standards, Canadian CSA standard, Australia AS the standard, the former Soviet union FOCT standard, international standard of IEC, etc.; Supplier of PCB design material, common and common to have: profit, build out, such as international.


Accept the file: protel autocad powerpcb orcad gerber or solid board copy board, etc.
CEM 1 species of lumber, CEM - 3 FR4, high TG material;
The largest panel size: 600 mm * 700 mm (24000 mil * 27500 mil)
Processing plate thickness: 0.4 mm to 0.4 mm (15.75 mil) 15.75 mil -
The highest processing layer: 16 the layers
Copper foil thickness: 0.5 4.0 (oz)
The product thickness tolerance: + / - 0.1 mm (4 mil)
Molding size tolerance: computer milling: 0.15 mm (6 mil) mold impact: 0.10 mm (4 mil)
Minimum line width/span: 0.1 mm (4 mil) line width control: < + - 20%
Finished minimum borehole diameter: 0.25 mm (10 mil)
Finished product minimum punching pore size: 0.9 mm (35 mil)
Finished product diameter tolerance: PTH: + 0.075 mm (3 mil)
NPTH: + 0.05 mm (2 mil)
The finished hole wall copper thickness: 18 to 25 um (0.71 0.99 mil)
Minimum SMT spacing: 0.15 mm (6 mil)
Surface coating: chemical heavy gold, tin, the whole plate nickel plating gold (water/soft gold), silk-screen printing LanJiao, etc
Sheet resistance welding film thickness: 10 to 30 microns (0.4 1.2 mil)
The peel strength: 1.5 N/mm N/mil (59)
Solder resist film hardness: > 5 h
Resistance welding plug hole capacity: 0.3 to 0.8 mm (12 mil - 30 mil)
Dielectric constant: epsilon = 2.1 to 10.0
Insulation resistance: 10 k Ω Ω - 20 m
The characteristic impedance: 60 ohm + / - 10%
Thermal shock: 288 ℃, 10 SEC
The finished plate warping degree: < 0.7%
Product application: communication equipment, automotive electronics, instrumentation, global positioning system (GPS), MP4, computer,

power supply, home appliance, etc.

PCB substrate material classification

PCB substrate material, classified according to the nature of the material, basically can be divided into paper-based printed circuit board, PCB epoxy fiberglass cloth, composite substrate PCB, PCB and other special base substrate material.

Paper-based printed circuit board

Such printed circuit board is used as a fiber reinforced base material sheet, the resin was soaked (phenol resin, epoxy resin, etc.) after the drying process, an electrolytic copper foil coated with adhesive, the high temperature and pressure pressed. According to the U.S. ASTM / model, the main varieties of NEMA standards are FR-1, FR-2, FR-3 (or more flame retardant class XPC, XXXPC (above non-fire-retardant). Global paper-based printed circuit board 85% above market. most common in Asia, production capacity is FR-1 and XPC PCB.

Epoxy fiberglass cloth PCB

Such printed circuit board is made using epoxy or modified epoxy adhesive substrate, glass fiber cloth as a reinforcing material. Is currently the world's largest production of PCB, PCB use up a class. In ASTM / NEMA standard, epoxy fiberglass cloth board has four models: G10 (no flame), FR-4 (flame retardant); G11 (keep hot strength, fire-retardant), FR-5 (retained heat strength, flame). In fact, the non-flame retardant products decreasing, FR-4 accounted for the vast majority.

Composite substrate PCB

Such is the use of PCB substrates of different fabrics and materials to enhance the core material. CCL is the main substrate using CEM series, with CEM-1 and CEM-3 most representative. CEM-1 base fabric is a fiberglass cloth, the core material is paper, epoxy resin, flame retardant; CEM-3 substrate fabric is fiberglass cloth, paper core material is fiberglass, epoxy resin, flame-retardant. The basic characteristics of the composite substrate with FR-4 PCB rather, the lower cost, better machining performance FR-4.

Special PCB substrate

Metal substrates (aluminum, copper, iron, or Invar steel), ceramic substrate, according to their characteristics, use can be made of metal (ceramic) based single, double, multilayer printed or metal core PCB.

Comprehensive benefits

Relevant data show that worldwide production of rigid CCL in 1992 to 2003 in 12 years, the average annual rate of increase of about 8.0%. 2003 total annual production of rigid CCL has reached 105.9 million square meters, accounting for 23.2% of the global total. Sales revenue reached $ 6.15 billion, the market capacity of 141.7 million square meters, the production capacity of 155.8 million square meters. All these indicate that China has become the world's CCL manufacturing, consumption of "superpower."

Raw materials and PCB analysis

Printed circuit boards (Printedcircuitboard, printed circuit board (Printedcircuitboard, referred to as (Printedcircuitboard PCB) is a substrate for electronic parts assembly, the global annual output value of 4 PCB) is a substrate for electronic parts assembly, electronic parts are assembled substrate billion, In the electronics industry, second only to the semiconductor industry, $ 5 billion, second only to the semiconductor industry in the electronics industry, and China's growth rate is much higher than the industry average speed of China's growth rate is much higher than the industry average. Nowadays electronic products with each passing day, the price war has changed the structure of the supply chain, China both cost and market advantages. cost and market advantages. PCB industry and downstream industries due to the cost of the transfer by, is gradually shifted to China, in the world of business transfers impact is gradually transferred to the Chinese market, China is the most growth of the PCB market layer below) is relatively low barriers to entry, low-end PCB (4 layers below) is relatively low barriers to entry and competition more fully, lower concentration, the price of the machine by the downstream product prices often face pressure to lower prices of downstream extrusion downstream firms often face pressure to squeeze lower prices, product prices are often faced with lower prices downstream extrusion. The high-tech, equipment, technology and other requirements are very high PCB (HDI, etc.) technology, equipment, technology and other requirements, high barriers to entry, a longer expansion cycle, high barriers to entry, a longer period of expansion in China state of shortage. Manufacturers rapid expansion of production capacity, China PCB manufacturer rapid expansion of production capacity, high-value products to growing great development products to high-end development, China's PCB manufacturers there is still much room for growth. CCL (CCL) CCL (CCL) and downstream PCB CCL prices across the whole product delivery are not so direct, concentration is relatively high, the price is not so direct transfer, concentration is relatively high, the bargaining power is higher than the PCB, but the product Use single led to a strong dependence on the PCB; demand sheet, strong; due to the special needs of low-end products and PCB board, resulting in lower costs, caused by low cost, and have to survive for a specific market segment of small-scale manufacturers larger space, industry consolidation difficult. Large living space, industry consolidation difficult. Leading manufacturers scale implementation strategy, CCL launched a large-scale manufacturer leadership strategy, a larger expansion moves, Hengqiang pattern maintained expansion moves, Hengqiang maintain the pattern, the release of production capacity focused on 2007 six months is the traditional off-season, in 2007 and 2008, but the first half of 2008 is the traditional off-season, the price war is inevitable. Focus on the long term is a trend, the price war is inevitable. In the long term focus is a trend, but the short-term pains will inevitably lost profits. Loss of profits pains inevitable. Gross profit of the upstream raw material prices manufacturers rich, raw material prices so strong gross margins upstream firms, together with the Chinese government to strengthen the protection of the environment, accelerate the entire downstream industry to improve the barriers to entry, forcing the weak competitiveness of enterprises out of business. Raise barriers to entry, forcing the weak competitiveness of enterprises out of business. The development of fiberglass PCB manufacturers have increased production of high-end electronic yarn, tulle electronic yarn industry to the direction of yarn production, the industrial development of electronic yarn tulle direction, kiln plant in trend. Trends in-house. Production scale electronic distribution depends on the size of the furnace, the investment is large, a higher degree of concentration. Size, the larger the investment, the higher the concentration. Technological innovation, technological innovation, emerging industry needs and customer demand for high-end large capacity tracking and security are the key PCB manufacturers obtain high profits.

Pcb materials overview

Is the production of copper clad laminates for printed circuit board substrate material. It can be used as the support and the various components electrically insulating or electrically connected therebetween.

PCB is a printed circuit board Printed circuit boardPCB simply means that, equipped with thin integrated circuits and other electronic components.

Which will appear in almost every electronic device. According to Time magazine recently reported that China and India are the world's most polluted countries. The Chinese government has to protect the environment in the development and implementation of strict pollution remediation organized and spread to the PCB industry. Many towns are no longer allowed to expand and build new plants PCB. Shenzhen customs and such a small amount of high-precision hand-based, such as Ma Long Industrial Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen Jingbang Technology Co., customs bulk equipment production oriented places. The four towns in Dongguan has specifically designated as "polluting industries" production bases outside the designated areas prohibit further construction of new plants.

If they are fitted with electronic components on the PCB sizes in a certain kind of device. In addition to fixing a variety of small parts is the main function is to provide top of the PCB components are electrically connected.

As electronic devices become more complex needs more and more parts of natural PCB circuit board with components of the increasingly dense. No bare plate board parts also often referred to as printed wiring boards Printed Wiring BoardPWB. The board itself is made of an insulating substrate insulation, not easy to bend the material made into. The surface of the fine line can be seen the original copper foil material is coated on the entire board in the manufacturing process is partially etched to leave a portion disposed on the fine lines of the mesh becomes. These lines are called wire conductor pattern or said wiring and circuit components used to provide connections on the PCB. PCB's are usually green or brown color which is the color of solder mask solder mask. An insulating protective layer can protect the wire can be prevented from being welded to the part not the right place. Will be printed on the solder layer on the surface layer of screen printing silk screen. Usually above will be printed in this mostly white text and symbols to mark the location of the parts on the board.

Parts to be fixed above the PCB, we will take their feet welded directly on the wiring, the basic single-sided PCB board components are concentrated in one side, the wire is focused on the other side, that way, we would need burrows on the board, so then through the legs of the board, to the other side, so the parts are welded pin on the other side, because the PCB is so positive and negative parts are called, respectively, the surface Component Side Solder and soldering surface Side.

If there are certain parts PCB board surface is required after production is completed can also remove or put back, then when the part is installed, will use socket Socket, because the socket is soldered directly to the board, and any removable parts can be .

If you want two interconnected PCB, we will use the general known as "Goldfinger" side of the connector edge connector, the Goldfinger contains many bare copper pad, in fact, is part of the copper wiring PCB pads. When the connection is usually where we will insert a finger on the PCB on the appropriate slot on another piece of PCB, commonly called expansion slots Slot, like the graphics card in the computer sound card or other similar interface cards are by Kim finger to connect with the motherboard, the printed circuit board between the copper complex circuit

components and parts, after careful planning neatly etched on a board, providing installation and interconnection of electronic components in the main support is All the essential foundation for parts of electronic products.

The printed circuit board by a flat plate made of non-conductive material, on this plate, with pre-drilled holes often have design chips and other electronic components mounted. Hole assembly predefined help make the sheet surface, the printed metal paths connected electronically, the electronic component through the PCB and then the pin to adhesion of a conductive metal electrode is formed on the PCB circuit. PCB applications can be classified according to their single-sided, double sided, multilayer and flexible four-layer board above board. Generally the more complex features of electronic products, the longer the loop distance, the contact pin count more PCB layers required to have more such high-end consumer electronics, information and communications products and soft boards are mainly used in the product needs to turn around medium, such as notebook computers, cameras, cars and other instruments.

About PCBway


Since 2003 PCBWAY has been the leading PCB quick turn manufacturer specializing in both Prototype and Production quantities, Initially produced single-sided and double-sided printed circuit boards for the consumer electronics market. PCBWAY is ranked among the top 4 board fabricators in asia and is well-known for its expedited turn time capabilities and its reliable best on-time shipping record.

Today, we have over 450 operators with high modern facilities to manufacture multi-layer PCB up to 12 layers. Backing up with a group of professional engineers, and well established quality system. PCBWay has grown to become a major PCB manufacturer in Asia to serve in diverse customers base such as electronics appliance, communication, educational electronics, power supplies, Automationsetc.

Our mission is to become one of leading PCB manufacturer that provide in high quality product with total customer satisfaction.

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