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How To Joint The Mirror PCB Board

by: Dec 31,2013 2370 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

PCB diagram pcb board pcb PCB copy board

Keyword: pcb copy board, pcb, pcb board, PCB diagram

Mirror Board is what we usually seen in a puzzle in the same side of the face have both TOP BOTTOM side of the pcb board . The Mirror Board, the two plates puzzle is actually the same PCB, one being put another one to put the pieces together as against a pcb board . Thus conducted furnace soldering , solder finishes on one side , without changes to the placement machine program , and then flip it over the other side of welding , soldering final completion of the whole pcb board .


Now almost all the mobile phone board design is complete puzzle are in need of Mirror Board , usually four to fight one way . Under the Mirror Board in Protel board puzzle with the core idea is attached via two intermediate layer, the painting of the TOP layer PCB plans to BOTTOM layer , BOTTOM layer becomes TOP layer , and the new PCB diagram obtained from the actual made by the board to see the original pcb board made ​​the same figure . Specifically, the following : 1, a new PCB file and PCB plans have been drawn to the newly created copy of the PCB document ; 2 in 1 copy in the PCB board , to rotate 180 ; 3 , choose Edit / Move / Filp selection of the pcb board to make a mirror ; 4 , choose Design / Layer Stack Manager dialog box that appears select Add Layer to add two intermediate layers such as midLayer1, midLayer2; 5 , deselect all , optionally a component , double-click PCB the Properties dialog box that appears to Lock Prims remove the check mark , click Global, and Lock Prims properties bar choose same, choose the Change Scope Properties bar All primitives, point OK button , all the components will be broken ; 6 , the Top layer traces , pads , laying copper moved midLayer1 in the Top Overlay layer all over the midLayer2 in ; specific approach double a TOP layer alignment , in its Properties dialog box, in the Layer Properties bar, choose midLayer1, click Global, and selected in the Layer properties bar same, choose the Change Scope properties bar All primitives, point the OK button. 7, the BottomLayer layer traces , pads pcb board , copper pour over the Top layer, BottomOverlay layer all over the Top Overlay layer ; 8 , all of the midlayer1 moved to TopOverlay layer, all the moves to midlayer2 BottomOverlay layer PCB ; 9 , remove midlayer1, midlayer2 layer ; 10 , and then create a PCB document , pcb board in accordance with the way puzzle board PCB diagram with the original Flip PCB diagram obtained immediately after the interval makes up a large plate , fight a few specific placement machine and the customer by the joint decision , which Mirror Board is finally obtained board puzzle map.

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