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How to Cut a Circuit Board

by: Feb 27,2014 947 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

printed circuit board Circuit Board

Homemade circuit boards are a staple of the more technically inclined hobbyist and can be used in anything from thermometers to homemade computers. Because circuit-board material typically has the consistency of thick fiberglass, however, it can be somewhat difficult to cut even for the most industrious of hobbyists. Fortunately, with the right tools and a little effort, you can cut and shape the circuit board to the needed size.


1 Mark with your pencil on the circuit board where you wish to cut.

2 Cut along the pencil mark with your knife. Because of the hardness of the circuit board, do not try to force the knife all the way through. The goal here is only to deeply score the circuit board with your knife.

3 Put on a pair of thick workman's gloves before attempting the next step.

4 Bend the circuit board along the knife-scored line until it breaks. Circuit boards snap very suddenly, so it is very important to wear the proper protection or else risk injury when the board breaks.

5 Repeat steps 1-4 until the circuit board is the needed size.

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