Almost all electronics contain a circuit board, whether it be an electric toothbrush or a computer. Circuit boards contain thin strips of copper that transfer data and information from one part of the electronic device to a different part. They rarely malfunction on their own, but they can be ruined if liquid is spilled on them. Generally, the damage caused by liquid spills is from the residual chemicals and minerals left over once the liquid dries. As long as you notice the spill soon after it occurs, you can clean and save the circuit board without any problems.
1 Remove any hard, crusty debris from the circuit board with a toothbrush. Scrub gently to avoid damaging the circuit board.
2 Hold the circuit board under cool, gentle running water.
3 Pat the circuit board dry with paper towel. Do not use toilet paper as it will leave residue behind.
4 Let the circuit board air dry for 10 to 12 hours. Do not attempt to dry it with a hair dryer or any other type of similar device.
5 Saturate the end of a cotton swab with circuit board cleaner. Scrub the entire circuit board with a cotton swab.
6 Let the circuit board dry for an additional 10 hours.