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Normal Printed Circuit Board

by: Feb 18,2014 1082 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

PCB circuit PCB Printed Circuit Board

Electronic circuits in PCB school and in industry are normally produced through the use of PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards). The boards are made from glass reinforced plastic with copper tracks in the place of wires. Components are fitted to the boards by drilling holes through the board. The copper tracks link the components together forming a PCB circuit.

The circuit is usually designed on software such as ‘Crocodile Clips’. This allows you to test the circuit on the computer and correct any mistakes or make improvements. This saves time as there is no need to build the circuit with real components.

The completed working circuit can then be exported to software such as PCB Wizard which will automatically convert the circuit diagram into a PCB mask.
The printout is not on paper but on a sheet of transparency which is then cut to the size of the PCB mask.

Photo resist
This a piece of glass reinforce plastic is prepared. One of the sides is copper clad and this copper has a photosensitive coating. When the plastic film is peeled back this sensitive coating is revealed.

After processing this will be the PCB.

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